A whole lotta happenings in one!

Mar 21, 2007 21:36

It 's been awhile since i posted an entry in my blog... i must say A LOT has happened since my last entry.. like, seriously...
Last wednesday nite i found out Udin's mum passed away due to cancer.. Gosh.. It really came as a shock to me.. Really couldnt believe it la.. :'(
This unfortunate event however, led to something good... My ehemm.. "on-and-off" bestie and i are now talking again.. Wow.. I really didnt think it would be possible la.. So there u have it, 2 unexpected events in one night...

On thursday my classmates and i went for a class trip to Putrajaya to look at the bridges.. The KBU van driver realllyy pisses me off la.. When we got to Putrajaya, he actually got us lost when trying to find the mosque.. Grrr.. It's like he doesnt know how to read the sign boards! We actually ended up at some unknown part of Putrajaya, like some kind of housing area.. What the.... It took us agesss to find the mosque, coz when we told him to go straight he went and turned left... OMG!! He's fcukin dumbbbb! I wud tell u about the event during our class trip to the PAM centre, but malas laa... just makes me even moree annoyed with him. Argh!
The trip was kinda fun la.. Too bad the wheather was extremely hot.. Gosh, i got kinda emo coz my last trip to Putrajaya was wif Haizat, right before he left..  Being there really reminded me of him and yeah... Shiet :(
That night i took Leez and iL on a tour of my new house.. hehe omg i really cant wait nemore! By the time they got to Bkt Jelutong it was almost 7 and was already getting pretty dark.. The lights at the new house were on which gave the house a totally different effect.. It was my first time seeing it at night, so i was pretty amazed by it too.. heheh ;-)
After that we went to SS15 for dinner and stopped by Full House for some shopping.. hehe didnt buy anything though.. It was nice meeting up with iL after soo long and of course seeing Leez coz we've all been super busy lately.. :-)

Since Kin came back last weekend, we had dinner on friday night.. Hazira and Izzah picked me up around 8 then we met up wif Kin and Adam at Dome.. We ordered the all-day brekkie! LOL! It was kinda weird... Like we were on a different time zone or something... After dinner we made a quick stop at Blook coz they were having a sale! Didnt see anything i fancied though.... :-/
We went home after that.. On our way back to the car we saw some ppl just arriving at Subang Parade.. Then we started talking bout how annoying it is having a curfew and all.. Like, seriouslyyy.. It gets tiringg rushing back before 11.30 that u dont really enjoy the night.. Okay, i dont know how many ppl can relate to thiss but i know my girls feel me! Lol :-P

Saturday was Linny's birthdayy! Mama, Papa and Sha went to the EduFair at KLCC but i had to stay home alone coz the kitchen guy wanted to collect the dryer and microwave to bring to the new house.. So finee i waited all morning for him to come... but he didnt show up! Grrr.. it was already 1 and i was getting really hungry.. Thank goodness Lin asked me out for lunch! We had lunch at Pizza Uno wif Zaki.. Poor Lin, she isnt as active as she used to be.. She cant even eat all the yummy stuff she used to lovee! I never knew it was so hard being preggers.. :-/
That night we had dinner at the chicken wings place, or better known as Restoran Stadium on Jln Yap Kwan Seng.. we were supposed to celebrate Lin's birthday, but she couldnt make it coz she was throwing up.. Aww.. gile kesian! :-( it just wasnt the same la.. Dah la Aunty Siti and Uncle Yan couldnt make it either... Steamboat aint fun if u dont havta fight for ur food.. *sigh*

Had brunch at Devi's wif Sha on sunday morning.. God, it's really hardd going to places where me and Haizat used to go all the time.. it just remindss me of him sooo much, i cant bear wif it.. :-(
Zi, get a grip of urselfff!!!
Huhu okay back to the story..
About half an hour into the meal, Yaya and Eva showed up, followed by Lin and Zaki.. Okay, it was all planned.. heheh discussed about the decor for Shasha's room.. Then Yaya, Eva and Sha made their way to Kamdar *yawn* to buy material for her cushion and her bed..
Me, Lin and Zaki on the other hand stayed at Bangsar Village.. Walked around for a bit, then me and Lin got our nails done.. The place was alright laa.. really liked the white, wrought iron dressing table wif Hollywood lights! It was perfect for my room! God, i wonder where they got it from!!
After that we had late lunch at Delicious.. lol, no surprise there! After lunch i went to Pedlars to get yet another birdcage from my room! :-) Haizat says i should bela a gagak.. Haha yeah rite!
When i got back from Bangsar, Yaya and Eva were at my house.. eheh so of course we went to The House just coz Yaya wanted to see the kitchen cabinets - again! hehe i'm really glad that everyone just lovesss them! ehehee :-D

Okay i started this entry to talk about my day today, but now that i've crapped a whole lot bout the last week, i'm feeling really tired now.. huhu i should stop here.. Damn sleepy la.. Gnite!

breakfast, delicious, badrillahs, devi's, bangsar, house, assignments, sha, besties

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