One Shot - My Boyfriend, My Dad [Yamapair]

Feb 02, 2014 22:19

Title: My boyfriend, My Dad

Pairing: Yamapair (Sho x Ohno)

Genre: Fluff, smut

Rating: Hard R (NC-17 to be safe)

Words count: 1700-ish

Warning: daddy kinks, uniform fetish, socks fetish

Summary: Sho was being extremely creative after watching their Atarashii Arashi video. Ohno in that uniform built something weird inside him.

A/N: Unbeta’d. Co-writing with risuw_chan (it’s been long, right? Enjoy her brilliant mind and sorry for my poor writing skill!) Also, a fanart from her too (under the cut. Rough sketch but it's very cute <3) :D

One shot - My Boyfriend, My Dad

It was just another Friday night at the Yamapair shared mansion. Sho had spent hours watching some videos of their shows, diligently taking notes of important things he found while his boyfriend, despite the fact that he's the actual leader, was busy doodling on his favorite sketchbook, completely ignoring the shows.

Seeing that Ohno wasn't interested at all at his choice of shows, he changed the DVD to the one he just got from his manager that afternoon: Atarashii Arashi.

That one was especially intriguing for him. He remembered how cute his boyfriend was in that damn uniform. If it wasn't for Jun who kept reminding him that they're in the middle of working, he probably would have jumped on Ohno right there.

He glanced at Ohno, who's still immersed in his own little world. He sighed, and went back to concentrate on the show where his cute boyfriend sat on the blue chair. Something inside him was screaming for attention.

"Satoshi," Sho called as he took the remote, switching the TV Off. He shifted closer to his boyfriend's side and snuggled into him. He circled his arms around the slim waist.

However, Ohno didn't budge at all.

Sho made another move, and he landed a kiss on Ohno's cheek, "You're so cute in that uniform, Satoshi."

Hearing upon his boyfriend's compliment, Ohno couldn't help but smiling sweetly.

Sho was happy to get a reaction from Ohno, but soon pouted as his boyfriend still continued drawing some fishes more than necessary. But he loved this part of Satoshi, too. He thought that the serious look on Satoshi's face when he's drawing was the best, so he just let himself being ignored. Tomorrow's their day off after all. He'd make sure Satoshi wouldn't touch anything else but his body...

The thought alone brought Sho to form a perverted smile.


"Sho-kun! A package!" Ohno shouted from their front door.

Sho who was in the middle of reading a leadership book left his activity and hurriedly ran for the living room. He knew what kind of package Ohno received and he didn't want the older to see it first.

"Don't open it, Satoshi!" Sho said, raising his voice when he saw Ohno almost rip the package open.

Taking advantage of the moment Ohno was surprised, Sho took the package from Ohno's hands, "It's a surprise! Just wait here and let me check it beforehand."

With that, Sho left his boyfriend dumbfounded.


Ohno had been wondering what Sho was doing since an hour ago at their main bed room, locked himself with the arrived package. He tried everything to distract his curiosity: doodling more fishes (at the point he drew on Sho's favortie coffee table to take revenge on Sho for making him suffered a lot!), reading fishing magazine but strangely he got bored after flipping through some pages.

But he couldn't stop thinking about Sho.

He was about to give up and call Nino to help him get through the boring time when suddenly Sho called for his name from inside their room.

"Satoshi~ You can come in~"

He beamed, and approached Sho with anticipation. Thinking about what kind of surprise did Sho prepare for him.

"This thing is flawless. Perfectly made. It will suit you, Satoshi!"

Seeing the perverted look on Sho's face, Ohno couldn't help but to feel anxiety and excitement, both at the same time. He didn't want to disappoint his lover, so he just hoped that it wouldn't be something too weird.

Guided by Sho, Ohno finally opened the box. He saw a familiar costume inside, that very costume he put on for Atarashii Arashi filming. Yes, the uniform Sho had been complimenting a lot to be so cute on him. Only he noticed some modified parts. The pants were cut shorter (too short that Ohno thought it was a hot pants), and there was additional item that made Ohno cringed, a black thigh-high socks.

"Go wear them! You'll look awesome!" Sho said happily, just like a four years old kid to get his first present from their parents.

"It's embarrassing, Sho-kun!" Ohno whined, hiding his flushed red face in his palms.

"Aww, so cute!" Sho pinched Ohno's cheek lovingly, "Come on, do it for me. I took the trouble last night and made an order just for today."

"Is it fine if I put these on the bathroom?"

"Of course!" Sho replied, "I'll be waiting here."

As he watched Ohno disappeared behind their bathroom door, Sho couldn't stop the stupid grin across his face. He had imagined things already and when he knew it, he already rubbed his member through the fabric.

He moaned, but stopped immediately when the bathroom door opened slightly, and saw Ohno peeked at him with a worried look.

"I think... You got the size wrong, Sho-kun..." he said.

"It's not possible," he gasped. "Come, come!"

Ohno finally revealed his new appearance, putting on the modified Atarashii Arashi uniform. He walked across the room to where Sho was sitting at the end of the bed.

"Hm..." Sho silently checking on the uniform size that fitted Ohno's body perfectly just fine (in Sho's opinion). The shirt pressed Ohno's small body, but the sleeve's length was a bit too long for Ohno's size (but Sho liked it this way!). The pants, oh damn so tight and Ohno had to pull them down a bit to make it more appropriate for public.

"See, it doesn't fit my size," Ohno said weakly.

Sho shook his head, "No no no, I intentionally made the order like that..."

Ohno pouted, feeling that his boyfriend was a bit too cruel. But his free hands were held gently by those warm hands of Sho's. He was pulled closer to Sho and brought to sit on his lover's lap.

"Don't worry, you look so cute, Satoshi-kun," Sho soothed him, stroking his head gently.

Ohno tilted his head, "Really? I'm too old to wear this."

"Nah, you look really cute. If I were to hold your hand on the downtown streets, everyone would think of us as Daddy and daughter."

Ohno leaned his forehead against Sho's, and chuckled at his boyfriend's joke.

"Can you call me Papa?"

Now it was getting a bit too weird, Ohno thought. He raised an eyebrow and threw Sho a questioning look. But Sho didn't react. He only smirked and brought their hips closer than they already had.

Sho started to kiss Ohno's chest, looking for his boyfriend's nipples.

"Ahh, Sho-kun...," Ohno whimpered.

"No, I'm not Sho-kun." Sho said sternly. "I'm your..."

He paused, waiting for Ohno to finish the sentence.

"...papa..." Ohno finally gave in. He felt his cheeks burning, unable to look at Sho's direction. But then he felt Sho kissed his jawline, smiling wide. Seeing Sho happy like that was enough to make Ohno happy as well. So he tilted his head to peck Sho's lips, signing the man to move on to the next steps.

Sho was more than glad to comply, he carefully changed their position so that Ohno was now under him. He undid Ohno's pants slowly as he trailed butterfly kisses all over him.

"Papa... Papa...," and the way Ohno called him as he requested, was just too much.

Sho stopped for a moment, to see the piece of art beneath him. Ohno Satoshi, got his uniform messed up, the tight pants he just wore minutes ago already discarded. He was hesitated at first, but decided to leave the thigh-high socks at it was.

"God, Satoshi, you look so tempting like this I might eat you raw."

Ohno pouted, "Don't be so mean Papa. I will be a good boy..."

Hearing Ohno's extremely submissive resignation, Sho smirked.

Ohno was already in the game. It would make things easier.

Sho blindly fished for the lube he purposefully hid under their pillows for emergency. He poured some decent amount of it onto his palm. He slipped his lube-coated hand between Ohno’s bare legs, and guided him to spread wide enough for him to get a better access. He inserted the first finger as he kissed Ohno’s lips and started to prepare him to welcome him later.

Despite the distraction Sho had attempted to give, Ohno still felt hurt that he whimpered and cried in pain as Sho worked his fingers inside him.

“It hurts, Papa. It hurts…”

The feeling of being called Papa caused Sho to get a little bit impatient that he thrust his fingers into him faster than before.

“Are you going to hurt me more?”

Sho he slowed down and leaned down to kiss him more. “No, Satoshi. Of course not. Papa will never hurt you.”

“But it hurts,” Ohno said.

Sho wiped a single tear dropped in the corner of Ohno’s eyes with the tip of his thumb. “Papa will make you feel good.”

Sho went on, “I promise.”

Hearing that, Ohno gave in and let Sho make love to him.


Sho let his left arm to be used as pillow for Ohno. His lover tried to steady his breath after the quite rough session they just had a moment ago.

“See, you liked it.”

Sho could see him pouting, clearly pretending to be unhappy. “No, I don’t like it. Sho-kun is rough even though he promised he’d be gentle. Sho-kun is a liar.”

The protest Ohno threw at him caused him to laugh. He gently rubbed Ohno’s tummy, “Because I know you won’t feel satisfied with gentle play.”

Still pouting, but Ohno didn’t deny it. He mumbled against Sho’s arm, “Well, it was pretty fun.”

“I knew it! What about you calling me Papa at home from now on?”

“Nah, I’m only one year older than you.”

Sho chuckled.

"I hate you!"

It only made Sho laugh louder. He caressed Ohno's cheeks, and ruffled his messy hair. Just, how much he loved Ohno, he didn't know. This man was everything for him, and he knew Ohno was feeling the same.

He leaned closer, to seal their lips together, wishing for him to feel the love pouring in every kisses they shared.

He whispered, "Yes, yes. I know. I love you too."


Comments are very appreciated! ^^

l: one-shot, pairing: yamapair, fan fiction

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