One shot - win is not always a win - and drabble #05

Jan 23, 2010 01:51

Title: Win is not always a win

Pairing: Ohmiya, Juntoshi, Aimiya (friendship)

Rating: PG

Summary: Well, Nino finally stole Ohno from Jun.

A/N: Unbetaed. Sorry for grammar mistakes. Hope you enjoy this. me and Read more... )

pairing: ohmiya, l: one-shot, jun loves his riidaa, l: drabble, fan fiction

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bokunosubete January 22 2010, 19:01:58 UTC


bokunosubete January 22 2010, 19:03:48 UTC
hahaha yatta!
ohmiya one was good,sasuga zukko.


*hugs and love zukko forever and ever*
the drabble is mooooreee than enough for me.
i totally love it.nyaaannnn!
i love you i love you i looooveeeee you! xD


zukkoke_iero January 22 2010, 19:06:30 UTC
love you love you love you forever toooo...
glad you like the drabble...


bokunosubete January 22 2010, 19:07:52 UTC
of course i'll love it!
Jun warming up sick Ohno.It's so sweeett~
Kinda makes me want to get sick with Ohno and get in the middle tho.but that's just the pervert me.hahaha


zukkoke_iero January 22 2010, 19:13:43 UTC
Uftt... i just could think of that... t_t
should make something better to you some time <3
hehehe... XD

lol. syu is perverttt!
*runs and saves my self from perverts*


bokunosubete January 22 2010, 19:16:34 UTC
Hey!I am not a pervert.I am just a normal girl with enough estrogen.hahahah but if i'm a pervert,you're one too.we are the H no nakama.haha

ne,it's fine da being there for me is more than enough actually. <3


zukkoke_iero January 22 2010, 19:20:16 UTC
hahaha... H no nakama xDDD
well maybe, some of my friends changed my name in to zukkoke_ero ... =_="

uuunnggg... syuu is choo sweeeettt... <3


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