Good and Bad News.

Sep 27, 2005 23:17

Bad First.

I just remembered that this Friday is the day that I gave Katie to send me my money. If I don't get it then I will have to sue her for it and that is sad, but I will not let her off the hook for over $100 of bills. I suppose that I will try calling her parents before I actually go file the papers and see if I can get the money without going to court but if that's what I have to do that's what I have to do.


I have a Job Interview Thursday! It's gonna be right here on campus so that's really great and I'm quite excited. The company has lotsa great benefits, is international and I was basically invited to an interview so this should be quite good.

I'm not gonna say anymore as to not get myself overly excited.

I love talking to my dear friends online - especially those that I don't get to see often -- CINDY WILL BE HERE THURSDAY! WHOO! YAY! -- the days are good, my room is temperate and I have time to read for pleasure ~ all seems well in the world.
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