Help me with a quilt?

Jul 11, 2015 22:10

I've been on vacation in the Pacific Northwest/Vancouver (JUST missing the filming of both SPN and XF, which makes me bitterly unhappy), and in my travels to various quilt shops in the region, which is an important part of any vacation, I discovered this thing called the Row by Row Experience. There are over a thousand quilt shops across the ( Read more... )

travel, am i crazy or what, quilting, personal

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Comments 22

juice817 July 12 2015, 05:18:43 UTC
I can grab you the purple one if you need it.


zubeneschamali July 13 2015, 20:27:28 UTC
Thank you! I'm not sure what you mean by the purple one, though. The ones above are just examples, and each shop has a different pattern.


juice817 July 13 2015, 20:31:40 UTC
Sorry! I was looking at the map. The stores are different colors on the map, and I assumed the stores marked by the same color have the same pattern. I'm in southern Utah, and all the Utah stores are marked by purple markers.


zubeneschamali July 13 2015, 20:35:25 UTC
Oh, I see! No, every store has a different pattern. If there are any close by to you that you would be willing to get, that would be awesome.


galwithglasses July 12 2015, 06:05:59 UTC
Hey, there are a couple of places near me here in MN and some in Michigan where I'll be going in a couple of weeks. Are the patterns all the same or are there different ones in each place? It would be fun to go pick them up. If you want to know which places specifically, I can pm you a list. If all the shops in one color are the same, the colors would be blue, orange, and yellow.


zubeneschamali July 13 2015, 20:28:19 UTC
That would be awesome! Each shop has a different pattern, even if they're in the same state. If you could send me the list, I can let you know if there are any I might like. Thank you so much!


morganoconner July 12 2015, 11:09:01 UTC
Oh gosh, one of those Massachusetts shops is a place I go by once a week on the way to S's house. I'd be happy to pop in and grab the pattern for you if you need!

(Edit to add: They have a pic of their row (not the pattern itself), and it is REALLY pretty! here)


zubeneschamali July 13 2015, 20:29:10 UTC
Ooh, that is cool. Thank you so much, bb!


harrigan July 12 2015, 14:39:45 UTC
I can try to drop in next time I'm around one of those options in central Indiana. I agree-this is a perfect project for you!


zubeneschamali July 13 2015, 20:29:46 UTC
That would be lovely! Saves me a trip, though it would be nice to see you at the same time.


dugindeep July 12 2015, 15:06:26 UTC
I can nab the ones in my area (I saw 3 within a 15-min radius with just a quick glance). But only if you come pick them up personally :-DDDDD


zubeneschamali July 13 2015, 20:33:36 UTC
You have a deal! The one in Woodridge looks especially awesome, so if you can only do one, that would be it.


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