Help me with a quilt?

Jul 11, 2015 22:10

I've been on vacation in the Pacific Northwest/Vancouver (JUST missing the filming of both SPN and XF, which makes me bitterly unhappy), and in my travels to various quilt shops in the region, which is an important part of any vacation, I discovered this thing called the Row by Row Experience. There are over a thousand quilt shops across the country who are participating, each designing a free pattern for a row of a quilt around the theme of water. These are some of the designs:

The kicker is, you can only get the pattern from the physical shop, not online. And there are some really cool patterns from all over the country, and given my love of geography and of quilting, this seems like a natural challenge for me to take up. So if you live in the US or Canada, would you be able to help?

This is the map of all of the shops that are participating.

If you live near one of these shops, would you be willing to a) go in and ask them for their free Row by Row pattern, and b) scan/take a picture of it and send it to me? You will receive in return a) buckets of gratitude, and b) a small quilty thing from me. The event runs until September 8, so you'd have to go there before then. If you're interested, say so in the comments or PM me. Thank you so much!

travel, am i crazy or what, quilting, personal

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