I'm ill. Very, very ill. I'm one of those people who didn't develop allergies until I became an adult, so I haven't had a lifetime of learning to assimilate and dealing with them. As a result, every time they flare up, it surprises me. We've been having rain all this week, and as a result, my sinuses have been killing me. BTW, I have no idea why allergies are so bad when it rains. In my mind, it would seem that allergies are lessened during bouts of rain because it keeps pollen from flying about in the air, but it usually seems worse when it rains. have no idea why. Should send an "Ask a Librarian" question for that. Fortunately, I don't get the red, watery eyes and constant sneezing allergies, only the oh-my-God-my-head-is-going-to-explode-from-all-this-pressure kind of allergies. The sinus medicine has been helping, but I have to take it every 4 hours on the dot or else the massive headache creeps back in. Also, on the occasions when I do actually sneeze, they are the tornadic force kind so that it feels like my lungs are going to come flying out as well. Not good for sensitive skulls. And the morning phlegm? Yuck.
Hopefully this episode will pass soon, so I can get back to normal life. I need to email
lissannej and
raffyv so I'm going to try and do that tonight, but I've also got to call R and see how her modelling agency interview went.
Am trying not to freak out over the lack of news on the moving front. Now D is getting anxious about the crime rate in Miami and the lack of yard areas for the kids to play in, so he's looking into Philadelphia instead. I'm forcing myself not to freak out and to try and keep things in perspective, but sometimes it's difficult not to.
B's getting so tall she can turn on a lightswitch without having to stand on her tippy toes. When did my little girl grow up?
Must go blow nose. Again. @#$%%^&* sinuses!!!!