Jun 04, 2008 02:51
2:52am. Still awake. Thought I heard someone stirring around on my patio, but it was just my (over-active) imagination.. thank goodness!!! Just about every other night I freak myself out. My absolute worst fear is being attacked, having someone break into my apartment or both. I'm just terrified by the idea and am not sure how or where that started. When I lived at home we had a light detector that would come on by sensing movement. (That could probably have been said in fewer words, but I'm tired.) So yeah, every night that sensor light would come on and I'd imagine that someONE rather than someTHING was on the patio. Also, every house in my neighborhood got broken into EXCEPT for ours. The house in front, behind, and on each side.... unbelievable!! Anyway, I just freaked myself out and am now more awake than before.
Today I went to Barnes and Noble to buy some books. Love that place... I bought a book on the South Beach Diet because I'm curious to try it out. I also bought a hardback journal that is this yellow color (that reminds me of childhood) with flowers on it. Though I rarely hand-write personal thoughts anymore I couldn't resist its vintage look. The last thing I bought was.... well I've forgotten what it's called but it's a funny book written by Jenny McCarthy about pregnancy; a gift for Sarah whom is now 5 months along now and whom will be a year older come Saturday!!
Back to the "goals and changes" subject: I forgot to mention that I am once again quitting smoking. Actually, I HAVE QUIT!! My last cig was a little over a week ago... and still no cravings at all. Didn't even crave one the last time I drank (which was Saturday night.) Not planning on starting again, but I suppose that is the purpose of quitting eh?
I am also searching for a new job. I've already applied at Seton Hospital and tomorrow will be applying to a clinic which would be a Monday thru Friday 8am-5pm job - PERFECT!!!!!
It's time to renew my driver's license and for a long time I've considered being an organ donor. It not only seems like the right thing to do, I feel that it IS the right thing for ME to do. If anything ever happens to me... a part of me should be able to save someone else's life. I'd want the same done for anyone I love.
There was something else.....Ohhh.. what was it.......