Dec 20, 2006 17:27
Well, quite some time ago my parents promised Aidan a roundhose for his wooden train if he learned how to poop on the potty. Last night my dad asked him if he had been using the toilet. In all honesty he answered that sometimes he had, but not all the time. My dad reminded him that Santa needed to know that he was going poop on the potty so he knew whether or not to bring the roundhouse on Christmas.
Aidan thought in all seriousness for a bit, then said, without cracking the faintest smile:
"Well.... I've got an idea. How about every time I go poop on the potty we take a little piece of paper, and we can put some of the poop on it, and then Santa will know how many times I went on the potty..."
Kid's. They're always a step ahead of you...