I'd Be Another Memory

Apr 19, 2012 16:20

Title: I'd Be Another Memory
Author: zory22
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Alicia.
Rating: NC17
Warning: Violence, character death, adult themes, language, sex, cloning. paranoia
Disclaimer: I don't own them, yada yada yada
Summary: BL/ind is hiding something again. Can the killjoys find out before it's too late or will their fears and paranoia cause them to lose one of their own?
Author's Note: Sequel to Lost Highway It's a continuation so I would say you probably need to read this so you're not confused. And I know this is short. I just really wanted to update something for you guys. Now I can work hard on it since I got a decent foundation. Also, I have no idea how long this will be yet.

Fun Ghoul's PoV

I glanced at the small mirror that was in the corner of my room. The sun was barely glancing over the sand, but I had plenty of light to illuminate my features. In the mirror, I could see the bundle of covers, with a shock of red hair sticking out of the top, and I smiled before turning back to my own reflection. It'd only been a week since I'd been in BL/ind's hands, since Party had found me, and I could still see the greens, blues and yellows around my jaw and eyes. I traced my fingertips across my skin that was now getting some of its color back, down to my naked torso, before heading back up to my head. I brushed my hair back out of my eyes, only to have it fall back.

"Fuck it," I muttered softly. I opened my bag quietly, looking for my scissors. With a quiet snip, I watched a the brown locks began to fall to the floor.

Party Poison's PoV

I knew this hall, yet I could do nothing to stop what was happening. This image constantly ran every time I fell asleep. Fun Ghoul ran in front of me, through the brightly lit hallway, with Jet Star and Kobra Kid behind me.

"Ghoul, slow down," I hissed, as we tried to catch up to him.

"We're so close though. Not much further, I promise," he smiled back.

"I don't care Ghoul," I muttered, reaching for him but failing once again to latch on. Ghoul rounded a corner in front of me, out of sight. "Please not again," I whispered, hoping this time it would be different. When I turned the corner, I saw Ghoul in front of me, frozen. In front of him was Carbon Xerox, only instead of the carefree light in his eyes, hate and malice glared back at Ghoul. Carbon raised his gun faster than Ghoul could, flashing me a small smirk before he pulled the trigger.

"Ghoul!" I screamed, reaching for him.

"Party!" A loud voice shook me awake as I grabbed for my gun, only to be stopped by strong arms around me from behind.

"Ghoul," I nearly cried when his scent washed over me.

"You were dreaming." It wasn't really a question, but I nodded anyway and wondered how much I had said out loud, if I had said anything out loud. I could feel Ghoul slide down on the bed behind me and pull me up against his chest. The scent of cigarette smoke soon caught my attention and I glanced up, intent on sharing the small pleasure stick.

"Frank?" I gasped in shock at the sight of his short hair. Fear ran down my spine, and I shuttered, until I recognized the bruises along his face and relaxed again. This was Ghoul and Xerox was just another memory. The cigarette was long forgotten as I turned to face Ghoul, running my fingers over his head. The short, spiky hair seemed like velvet under my fingertips. He smirked at me, taking the cigarette out of his mouth before placing it in mine.

"You haven't called me Frank in a long time," he chuckled, kissing the corner of my lips where the cigarette wasn't. "I like it," he added before sliding out of the bed and grabbing his clothes. If I was honest, it felt weird to finally be in a relationship with him, almost unimaginable. It was pleasant, but in the back of my mind, I wondered how long before BL/ind or Korse were going to rip this happiness from us.

Party?" I heard again, this time wasn't as urgent, though it still brought me from my thoughts.

"Huh?" I asked, finally taking a hold of the cigarette with my fingers and grabbing my own clothes from the floor.

"I asked what you were dreaming about. It seemed pretty rough. You were shaking," he informed me, his eyes pleading with me.

"Oh, I don't really remember. Something to do with needles," I lied. I didn't want him to know my fears. No one could know my fears. He seemed to hesitate, but even Fun Ghoul knew when not to push to far with something.

"Okay." He smiled at me again before he grabbed his gun holster and headed towards the lobby of the diner.

frerard, frank, gerard

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