Sleepy Moon Chapter 3

Mar 31, 2012 12:00

Title: Sleepy Moon
Author: Zory22
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, slight Ray/Bob (if you squint), Mikey/Alicia
Rating: NC17
Warning: Violence, blood, sex, adult themes, vampires, death
Disclaimer: I don't own them, or Vampire Knight
A/N: This is based on the anime Vampire Knight.
Summary:Frank Iero's earliest memory is of a snowy night in winter, when he was attacked by one vampire and saved by another named Gerard Way. Frank is the adopted son of the Headmaster of Sleepy Moon Academy, Linda Iero, and has grown up and become a prefect for the school with one main purpose: for vampires to coexist peacefully with humans. Although half vampire/half human, Frank has more human like qualities for example: he can go out in the sunlight and he doesn't drink blood. His fellow guardian, John Macguire, a childhood companion whose vampire hunter parents were killed by a pure-blood vampire, is now determined to kill them all and refuses to trust them. Through a cruel twist of fate, John becomes a vampire himself, having been bitten by a pure-blood vampire, four years before. Frank is the only one he trusts because John can't sense the vampire in Frank. Now Frank must help him fight his curse. He must also discover why Gerard, who leads the group of Night class (all of which are also vampires) at Sleepy Moon Academy, saved him that night.

Chapter 1 Snow Moon
Chapter 2 Ice Moon

Chapter 3 Long Night Moon

Frank's PoV
When I woke up the next morning, John was already gone, but after casting a sleepy glare at my clock, I realized why.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed, throwing the covers back in a rush and running to the bathroom. "I'm so fucking late. My teacher is going to kill me. Dead, dead, dead, Iero. So dead, no one's going to miss your late ass," I muttered over and over as I rushed through brushing my teeth and getting dressed. The mutterings didn't stop even as I ran to class with my shirt un-tucked, tie untied, and one shoe untied on my foot while the other was in my hand with my messenger bag. Even with the mess I was, I still managed to calm myself down enough, to walk quietly in the door.

"Saved you a seat Frank," my friend Shaun patted the chair beside him as I tip toed in. Mrs. Kulrich's back was turned so I quickly, but silently, opened my history book to the correct page.

"Did I miss anything?' I mumbled, yanking out my notebook.

"Same old same old," he shrugged in response.

"Mr. Iero," I winced at the high pitched cat like voice of Mrs. Kulrich. Someone should throw a bottle at her knock her off that fence that's stuck up her ass. (A/N: Reference to Looney Tunes here, when the cat sings horribly on the fence. Ignore me :) ) "If you continue to be late to my class, maybe I should talk to the headmaster about removing you from Prefect duty."

"Sorry. It won't happen again," I apologized as I lifted my book to hold my eye roll at her. It wasn't like I didn't have an A in this class already.

The rest of the day continued just as fast as my rush to class it seemed. The only problem being, I never saw John. This wasn't unusual for me to never see him during the day, but I searched him out today, to apologize for last night. He had only been looking out for my safety after all, and he was right. I should know vampires were dangerous.

The end of school found me sitting in the courtyard, tapping my fingers against the picnic table in a rush to finish my math homework and counting the seconds till I could see Gerard. Yea I know, I just said vampires were dangerous, but Gerard was different, I just knew it. With only thirty minutes left till the night class came out of their dorms, I began packing my stuff up.

"Frank Iero, please report to the Headmaster office." The loudspeaker echoed across the courtyard, drowning out the noise of the other students. A few students sniggered in my direction, throwing comments like "Momma's boy" at me as I rushed away towards her office. It wasn't even like that, she just adopted me, and even though I loved her, it was a Prefect's job to answer her call. At least, that's what I told myself as I knocked on her door.

"Come in Frank," my adoptive mom called and I let myself in.

"Hey Ma," I smiled at her as I threw my bag into the chair in front of her desk. She smiled back at me as she handed me a manilla envelope across her desk.

"I need you to run over to Forrest Green and give this to the main office for me honey." (A/N: Jason Vorhees movie 6 reference)

"And by the main office, you mean?" I prompted though I already knew the answer.

"The HVC." Yup, I was right. The Human Vampire Council.

"Okay," I replied slowly, curious as to what was in the envelope now. The town was a half hour walk away, and not a big deal, but usually this kind of thing was reserved for the weekend. "Is John going to be able to handle the night class by himself then? You know how his temper can be, and I haven't even seen him today."

"He's in the garage honey, and he'll be fine. He wouldn't be a prefect if I didn't trust him with them." I sighed again, glancing at the envelope in my hands as if it was made of glass. "The vampire hunters got wind that we had vampires here. The HVC managed to hold them off as long as we show them our formula. They want to analyze it to make sure it works. You know they won't wait long either, so I need you to be careful with that. No stops and go straight there."

So that's why the urgent delivery, I thought as I waved my hand dismissively at her and left. Frank Iero was always careful.


"John?" I called as I walked into the dimly lit garage in search of my best friend. Looking around, the place seemed empty and very creepy. I was just about to go back to the office when a sleepy groan echoed from the backseat of the car to my left.
I hid a snicker behind my hand when I looked in the backseat.

"Have you been sleeping all day?" I accused jokingly as John opened his eyes to glare at me. "If I have to go to class, you should too."

"Shut up," he frowned and I stepped back to allow him to open the door.

"Look," I started, realizing he was probably still mad at my behavior last night. "I'm sorry about last night. You were right, I didn't mean to-"

"Save it Frank," he snapped. "Not everything is about you all of the time. Other people live in this world too," he brushed by me without uttering another word. My mouth opened and closed in a silent retort, but I couldn't even say anything. I know that, I thought. I didn't act like that, did I?" With a sigh, I turned to follow him out a moment later, wondering if I really could have pissed him off that much when a glitter of silver caught my eye from the back seat. Reaching in, I pulled the small packet out and flipped it over. Tiny white tablets smiled up at me. What's John doing with the synthetic blood? I wondered silently as I glanced back in his direction, though he was probably long gone.

It was probably dropped from one of the vampires. John just happened to find it, I concluded. That did sound like something Ray or Bob would dot.


An hour later, I was standing outside the HVC after delivering the envelope. Hopefully, the hunters would be satisfied. A cold dusk greeted me as I jogged down the stairs, the nippy wind whistling through my hair. Ever since I was little, I hated walking alone in the dark. My fingers searched absentmindedly under my school jacket until they found the cool metal of my staff around my wrist, relaxing at the comforting weight of the staff.

Things change. Nothing is going to try and eat you, I told myself over and over. Why I had agreed to do this was beyond me. With the exception of the school, I never went out at night. But at school, I knew I was safe. John was there, and so was Gerard. Gerard would never hurt me.

Yet, I still jogged through the streets, wanting to leave the city as soon as possible. Just before the last of the buildings broke away to trees, a woman's scream pierced the night air, echoing off of the brick and stone buildings. Of course, I thought grudgingly, cursing my disposition for finding any and all trouble within a hundred mile radius. I hesitated only a moment before running in the direction of the scream.

"You. Are. An. Idiot," I panted out, my mind screaming in unison with each step I took. I rounded the corner into a sight that I'll never be able to erase.

The woman's scream died off into a whimper before silencing completely, forever. Her eyes rolled to the back of her, her body going limp when all of the fight left her body, or rather blood. I swallowed hard when the figure responsible turned his black soulless eyes on me. A burning fear gripped my entire body as his dark eyes seemed to peer into my deepest darkest secrets. Bright crimson fluid dribbled down his chin as he flashed his teeth at me, wiping his mouth off on the back of his hand.

"Mother fucker," I muttered, turning a 180 and running out of the alley. I knew without looking back that this vampire, this monster, was right behind me and would eventually catch up. I just needed to find somewhere where I could hide or find an advantage.

I didn't have to run long before a fire escape ladder caught my eye down another alley. I barely had enough time to yank the ladder out of his reach after I climbed it and fell on my ass when I yanked it up. I quickly scrambled back to my feet, taking the stairs two at a time towards the roof.

I skidded to a stop in the middle of the roof, whipping around with my staff elongated and in front of me. I really wished, at that moment, that I had a gun like John when the vampire stepped over the ledge. I wondered if this is what my own future held for me. I could see the thirst for blood in his eyes as I swallowed hard, wishing for the image to disappear. I knew I could be impatient and I didn't always have the best self-control when it was something I wanted, like Twizzlers. I shook myself out of my head, focusing back on the matter at hand: the vampire who was going to eat a pathetic little ADHD kid for dinner because Twizzlers were more important than life to him.

The vampire moved faster than I was expecting and instead of fighting, or holding my ground like I wanted, I just barely managed to roll out of the way. As soon as my feet hit the roof, I spun around towards the fire escape and took off running, because fighting on a roof with an undead monster seemed like one of my best ideas yet. I heard it snarl before it hit me in the back and we went rolling along the roof. My staff went one way as I ended up underneath him, one of his hands pinning my wrist while my free hand mimicked the one around my neck for going around his neck, to hold him back.

"Get off," I managed to choke out as I struggled for breath underneath him. He gripped my wrist tighter, bringing it directly to his mouth, though I was fighting with all I could to keep it away. Blinding, white pain flashed through my entire arm when he sunk his teeth into my wrist. If I survived this, I was so getting a Rabies shot, I thought. As if a god did worry about my meager existence, the vampire was suddenly thrown away from me. Just as quickly, I was picked up and spun around, strong arms tightening me into a hug as my face cushioned itself in a mint and cigarette scented shirt.

"Gerard," I sputtered into his chest, relieved he was there because I would know that smell anywhere. Relief flooded me and I relaxed in his arms and sighed happily. I could feel the tension however in his body, reminding me of the trouble I had been in a few second before. My heart slammed hard against my chest. Gerard could get hurt! My mind screamed as I tried to pull away from him.

"Frankie, calm down," Gerard whispered soothingly in my ear but I ignored him and pushed harder. He was not going to get hurt because of me. However, his chest and arms were as moveable as a solid brick wall. Tears stung my eyes as claustrophobia began to set in. I couldn't move. This vampire was going to kill me, and I couldn't move. I completely forgot Gerard was holding me when a high pitched scream behind me erupted through the air. The scent of burning flesh was all I could smell and I choked, trying to get draw in a breath of fresh air. I pushed harder to get away, trying to breath. I could hear a voice above me, though I couldn't understand the words as blackness overtook me.

Gerard's PoV

I could smell Frank in the air when I reached the HVC, having followed him as the night grew darker. However, when I got there, I knew he had left a long time ago. I ran through the streets in a blur, his scent getting stronger with every step until it led me into an alley. Death and blood greeted my senses and my mouth watered at the scent of a fresh kill. At first, I thought it was Frank laying in a heap on the ground, but ran a hand through my hair in relief when I noticed the young girl. Her eyes were wide open, watching the night sky. I felt another presence behind me and turned to find John, his gun held high.

"I know you sense the other one," I frowned, but I wasn't focused on John. Knowing Frank, he'd tried to help and now he was in trouble. I didn't want John anywhere near Frank if he was bleeding. John was barely in control as it was. "Handle this," I ordered, not giving him room to respond. "I'll get Frank." And without another word, I left.

When I finally reached the roof, I knew I was right in making John stay behind. Frank's blood permeated every pore in my body. From here, I could see the vampire's bloody fangs buried into his hand. I was to their struggling forms in the blink of an eye, throwing the vampire away from Frank. In another fluid movement, I had Frank on his feet with his head buried into my chest, my arms wrapped tight around him so he couldn't move.

"Gerard," he barely whispered and I smiled, though I turned my eyes back to the vampire, glaring. He was new, this was probably his first night, and his creator had obviously not bothered to stick around. Frank began to shake more, but I only held him tighter.

"Frankie, calm down," I urged, but I heard his heart beat as clear as a whistle. I didn't want him to see what was about to happen so I held on to him tight. I focused back on the newborn, fixing him with a cold stare. A comfortable burning sensation reverberated through my entire body, increasing in temperature until the vampire in front of me shrieked in pain. His shoulder caught fire almost instantly and the warmth in my body began to die down. Frank's panic broke my concentration and the vampire began to roll, putting out the fire.

"Shh, Frank, Shh," I tried though he didn't seem to hear me. Exasperated, I finally ordered him. "Sleep," I commanded, feeling his body go limp in my arms. I turned my gaze back to the vampire, finishing the job. When nothing was left, I scooped Frank up gently in my arms, burying his bleeding hand into the vest of his jacket, and jumped from the building.

"So fire, huh? No wonder all of the other blood suckers respect you. You have the one thing that can kill them." John called sarcastically when I caught up to him. I could see the pained expression on his face as he glanced at Frank. I wasn't happy that the once vampire hunter now turned vampire knew that much about me.

"Just worry about yourself. You're one of the bloodsuckers now, too," I sneered.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this, and sorry if I missed something when I beta'd it :)

frerard, frank, vampires, gerard

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