Lost Highway Part 6/11

Feb 16, 2012 22:27

Title: Lost Highway
Author: Zory22
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, eventual Mikey/Alicia
Rating: NC17
Beta: gerardlover24 She is so wonderful, and I am so happy to have her back.
Warning: Violence, character death, adult themes, language, implied sex
Disclaimer: I don't own them
Summary: Frank wakes up in the hospital with Dr. Korse after a car accident. The Killjoys know him, but he has no clue who they are or where he is. Can they help him with his memories, or is Fun Ghoul lost forever?

Chapter 1 Chosen
Chapter 2 Empty
Chapter 3 Anneal
Chapter 4 Wayward
Chapter 5 Abashing

A/N: Would just like to clarify a few points really quickly. "Frank" is the clone and "Fun Ghoul" is the original. I hope that makes sense. And oh, of course Gerard is just Gerard or Party. No clone there. I couldn't handle two of them.

Chapter 6 Vertigo

Party's PoV

"Start explaining," I growled as I shoved, the now restrained, Frank clone into a chair in the corner. We hadn't even left Battery City. I wanted to find My Fun Ghoul. I had to tell him everything had changed. My fears were stupid. With him being gone, I realized how fragile life was. We were fighting to make a better life for others, why shouldn't that include a better life for me? That life included Ghoul.

"Well, first off," the girl started nervously, wringing her hands as she began to pace. Kobra and Jet each stood guard, one at the door and one at the window. It was dangerous being here too long, and I wanted to get Ghoul and get out.

"My name is Alicia Simmons and I'm the creator of the program. It started many years ago before the fires and destruction," she continued on, looking at the floor. "I'd already lost my parents to sickness and I thought maybe if I could come up with a way to recreate them, then it would be better, we'd be a family again." She sniffled a little and I saw Kobra glance towards her. Nodding to him, I switched places. After all, she had pretty much stayed by him since we'd met.

"After everything, I ran into Korse and was hired on at BL/ind to continue my research. Not only was I able to transfer memories," all of us glanced at Frank as he in turn looked at the floor, "but I could pick and choose which ones to give."

"So what exactly did you give him?" Jet asked the universal question.

"The original order was to give him every memory that didn't include you guys, and then add some of our own so he would turn on you guys." I growled softly, yanking my gun out of its holster. "But I didn't. I only gave him the ones before the destruction, minus you guys of course." Silence enveloped the room, all of us staring at the doppleganger though he still wouldn't meet our eyes.

"What I want to know is if our Fun Ghoul is still alive?" I asked after the silence began to choke us all.

"When I left this morning, he was. They don't want to kill him until all Killjoys are captured. I believe Korse said it was a good stress relief to have him under their thumb until you were all in his grasp."

Fun Ghoul's PoV

Korse chuckled darkly before I felt him kneel in front of me. His hands moved from my hair down to my throat, tightening enough to cause a gurgled cough to escape. "What's the matter Fun Ghoul, uncomfortable?" He taunted. My tongue swirled in my mouth before I tilted my head back and spit in his face. He let go immediately to grab his handkerchief and wipe his face while I smirked back at him.

"Could be better," I mocked, determined not to let Korse get to me. "But you know, somehow I think I'll live." My grin was wide spread across my face as I watched him wipe his. "You know though, If you could shut this light off on your way out, I might be able to-" I was cut off as his left fist crashed into my jaw, a loud crunch echoing in my ears. A coppery rust flavor filled my mouth as my head swam in pain. I blinked a few times to fight the edges of the darkness crowding in my vision before turning back to him.

"Ouch, Fun Boy. I bet that hurt," he laughed as he shook out his own hand. I kicked out with my feet, since my arms were restrained around the pole behind my back, but they weren't long enough to do anything more than ruffle his jacket. "So tell me Ghoul, what makes the Killjoys tick?"

I glared up at him, lifting my chin as I tightened my lips together in another smirk. "You'd have to kill me first." If he thought it was going to be that easy, then he didn't know who he was messing with.

"Now that, Killjoy, can be arranged," he sneered back before standing. "Tell me, Frank, is it? It is Frank, I believe. How does it feel to have no one attempt to rescue you yet?"

"Because we don't go back for the others, so it doesn't matter what you do to me," I frowned. Party had always said we couldn't go back if someone was captured, not that I ever listened, because the sacrifice of one is minimal compared to the sacrifices it would take to save that one.

"Really? Is that so?" He asked, and I didn't care for the taunting tone in his voice. It still didn't matter, this guy was not getting to me. I couldn't think about what he said. "Tell me Frank," I glared as he bent down to eye level with me, "How does it feel to be the weakest link in the Killjoys?"

"Anyone who rebels against BL/ind isn't weak Korse, or haven't you noticed? You can't beat us." It was my turn to sneer at him.

Despite the fact that I had clenched my mouth shut, a small yelp still escaped as he grabbed me by the hair again and yanked me to a standing position. The metal around my wrists scraped against the already tender flesh underneath and before long I felt the warm liquid trickle down my fingertips. Despite the stinging in my wrists, my scalp and the still powerful throbbing in my left jaw, I still managed to flash him a toothy grin.

"You're still just a spoiled rotten brat-" I was cut off as my head was slammed into the metal pole behind me. "That can't get along with the other kids-" Another slam, and this time I was blinking away the fuzziness as the vibrations rattled down my spine. "Tell me, do you still cry into your mother's lap every night." Several more blows rained down on my body and I curled into myself as far as I could while standing up. A few grunts managed to run pass my lips, but I was quite proud that I didn't cry out. My legs were wobbly when he finally finished and I slid down to where I was kneeling in front of him. I was breathing through the pain, satisfied that he was finished for now as he straightened up his clothing. Creepy laughter flowed through my ears and I shivered in the darkness as the goose bumps erupted everywhere on my body.

"Are you done?" He taunted, and it took every ounce of strength left to look up at him. "Maybe I was wrong. Not only are you the weakest, but you're the stupidest Killjoy." I couldn't hide the horror as he changed his expression into one of mocking adoration. "Party, I love you, please say you love me too. Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me," he placed the back of his hand against his forehead. All I could do was stare up at him with my jaw on the floor. "Aww, see now, I've gone and broken your voice box. What's the matter Ghoul? Nothing to say?"

Small whimpers escaped as I opened and closed my mouth, trying to come up with something. How could he know, How could he possibly know?!

"Oh yes, we all saw that little display of emotion, Ghoul. I guess that's what makes you so brave now. Why would Party Poison come after someone so weak and sensitive?" He was right. Even though I had steeled myself with the fact that the rest of the Killjoys weren't going to be coming, that small beam of hope dissipated at Korse's words. "I can't believe it took Party Poison this long to realize how worthless you really are. You would have thought he would have seen that when I smashed your guitar into pieces." All I could do was stare at the floor, barely noticing that I was finally left alone.

frerard, frank, gerard

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