Lost Highway Ch 2

Feb 10, 2012 07:21

Title: Lost Highway
Author: Zory22
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, eventual Mikey/Alicia
Rating: NC17
Warning: Violence, character death, adult themes, language, implied sex
Disclaimer: I don't own them
Summary: Frank wakes up in the hospital with Dr. Korse after a car accident. The Killjoys know him, but he has no clue who they are or where he is. Can they help him with his memories, or is Fun Ghoul lost forever?

Chapter 1 Chosen

Chapter 2 Empty

Party Poison's P. O. V.

"What have they done to your hair?" I murmured, pulling on the short strands. He looked so much like a drac it was sickening. They had turned my beautiful Fun Ghoul into a Korse clone. His long chin length hair was gone, leaving short, neat hair in its place. His skin tone had no color, his eyes were blank and empty. Could he even think for himself anymore? I wondered. "Fucking Dracs," I growled out. "Why do they have to butt in and try to make you one of them?" I pulled the collar back of his white jacket, a small sigh of relief escaping as they hadn't had time to remove his body art.

"Can you walk?" I asked, my arm reaching under his to help him stand. I wanted to get him as far away from this place as I could. I wanted him home and back to normal. He should be playing pranks, laughing, and filling our base with the energy it needed. It was too dark without him. I was too dark without him.

"What?" He asked and I met his eyes, this time reading the fear and confusion in their hazel depths. I saw the panic in the way his body started to shake as he squirmed away from me. I felt as if I had been slapped, like he had just forgotten about us, forgotten about me.

"Ghoul, what's wrong?" I asked uncertainly, feeling Kobra and Jet's eyes on my back.

"W-who are you guys?" He asked and my heart crushed under the tension. I looked up helplessly to my brother and friend before looking back.

"Ghoul, this isn't funny, man," Jet whispered behind me.

"I think you have the wrong person, My name's Frank, not Ghoul." He hadn't been away from us for more than one night and they had already brainwashed him this much. What if I can't help him? What if he's too far gone? I thought. Jet and Kobra looked at me expectantly as if wondering what to do.

"If you fall behind, you get left behind. No one is coming back for you," I whispered to the three men in front of me, my eyes focused more on my brother than anyone. "If anything happens, you get out. Survival of the fittest," I grinned, though it was more forced than anything. That's the way it was since BL/ind took over. Any creativity or imagination had been quickly squished. Those who thought for themselves learned to regret that single moment of free will perished quickly in a painful death.

We had learned the location of one of BL/ind's barracks through Dr. D and in choosing to fight for art and expression we had to take it down. The Killjoys were the most vital in the big plan. We, being the smallest of the groups as well as the most experienced, would be able to sneak in undetected, placing explosives throughout the area. However, it was dangerous because we wouldn't have any back up once we were on the inside until the bombs went off.

"For freedom," Ghoul grinned beside me, always trying to make light of the situation.

"For Freedom!" The others echoed quietly before we separated in four different directions.

As far as I could tell, everything was going as planned. No alarms rang out an intrusion and no dracs came storming by. "So far so good," I muttered as I set the last explosive and quietly made my escape. Ahead of me I could see a flash of red disappear behind the hole in the wall and I felt a smile leak into my expression. At least Kobra had made it.

I was blown against the wall as the door exploded beside me. My eyes watered and burned and I coughed as my lungs filled up with smoke. I could hear the alarms buzzing loudly as the fire continued to blaze. Through smoke induced tears I saw the hole and Ghoul stopping by it, staring back at me through his sunglasses.

I rolled over to my stomach, pushing up to my knees only to fall back down as a coughing fit overtook me. So this was how it ended, I thought as a blast from a ray gun blast whizzed by me and at Ghoul, which he thankfully dodged.

"Go!" I shouted as I tried crawling towards him. He looked back at where the others had faded before catching my eyes again. He holstered his gun and ran towards me, keeping low to avoid the gunshots.

"What the hell are you doing?" I growled as he knelt down beside me and hauled my ass up, throwing my right arm over his shoulder. Somehow we managed to dodge all of the blasts and make our way to safety. I could hear the others who defied BL/ind being led by Dr. D to finish what the Killjoys had started.

Ghoul dropped us down by Kobra and Jet's by the transam so we could catch our breath.

"Are you guys okay?" Jet asked right before Ghoul started laughing. He yanked down his mask and flashed all of us a crooked grin.

"That was awesome! We kicked some ass!" He beamed, Jet and Kobra chuckled and shook their heads, but I knew they were overjoyed that this had been a success. When he turned to look at me, placing his sunglasses on top of his head, I slugged him as hard as I could in his right eye, knocking him flat on his back. All laughter died and he looked at me as if, well, as if I had knocked the shit out of him.

"I told you to run, Ghoul." My voice was stern, even angry.

"I couldn't follow that order," He growled back as he sat up, nose to nose with me. "Could you have left Kobra, me or Jet behind like that?" He challenged, and I fell silent, staring at each one of them.

The sent of smoke and burning chemicals filled the room, snapping my attention back to the matter on hand.

"We take him with us," I replied flatly. I owed him my life, but more than that, I needed him.

"You don't want to stay in a burning building, do ya?" I smirked as I helped him get off of the bed. He hesitated only a moment before following the rest of us out of the building and into our Trans Am. We left Battery City and this nightmare behind, "Frank" sitting quietly in the seat behind me.

frerard, frank, gerard

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