Title: What Will Be.
Author: zorell
Chapter: 49/?
Rating: PG
Characters: Jack, Ianto, Tosh, Owen, Martha, Gwen, the Doctor, Donna.
Pairings: Jack/Ianto.
Summary: The visitor arrives.
Disclaimer: Torchwood belongs to BBC and RTD.
A/N: This chapter, especially the beginning of it, has caused me no end of problems. I just haven’t been able to get it right. It has been changed a few times, well a lot actually, and to be honest I am still far from happy with it, however if I keep messing around with it I have a feeling it’s just going to get worse rather than better! So I’m cutting my losses and going with this version. Extra apologies on top of the usual apologies for mistakes, bad grammar, dodgy plot etc.
A/N2: Also not good at descriptive stuff so have a feeling after the build-up this will be a let-down. Really sorry.
previous chapter:
https://zorell.livejournal.com/22671.html Chapter 49.
Ianto and Donna moved around the kitchen towards the area that best suited not only their primary plan but also their secondary one, and not wanting to alert their rapidly approaching visitor that they were aware of its presence they continued to act as if it was merely a normal day for the farmhouse occupants. Donna moved to put the washing up away while surreptitiously keeping a check out of the kitchen window, as Ianto kept an eye on the Xa’lks progress via the scanner as well as filling Owen and Gwen in on the layout of the farm as neither of them had ever been to the property before.
“ So we’ll be approaching from the front, enter through the front door, kitchen door ahead at the end of the hall and it opens away from us and inwards into the kitchen, where you are planning to contain it.” Owen said confirming what Ianto had informed them regarding the farmhouses layout.
“ That’s the idea. Jack and the Doctor shouldn’t be too far behind it and will close in from the rear. Well, that’s the plan.”
“ And we all know how well those tend to go.” Owen remarked with barely a hint of sarcasm.
“ At least we have a plan.” Ianto replied, the whole team knowing that more often than not it was a case of winging it.
“ This is true.” Owen agreed, adding, “ From what I can tell we are still a good few minutes out yet so don’t go doing anything stupid before we get there.”
“ Why Owen I didn’t know you cared.” Ianto responded picking up with their usual banter, giving Donna a small smile as the redhead couldn’t help but shake her head at the pair of them and their verbal antics, returning the Welshman’s smile with a wider one of her own.
“ I don’t Jonesy but I really don’t fancy having to get used to inferior coffee in the workplace again.”
“ Nice to know you have your priorities right.”
“ Hell yeah.” Owen signed off just moments before the scanner beeped as the Xa’lk triggered the proximity alarm.
Donna looked at Ianto as the Welshman instinctively glanced out of the window toward the area the scanner was indicating even though he knew the view to the exact location was blocked by the out buildings they had checked earlier.
“ It’s breached the treeline.” Ianto stated looking back to the reading on the hand held device.
“ I’m guessing breaching the treeline isn’t good.” Donna commented as Ianto placed the scanner on to the table making sure it was visible to both himself and the red head.
“ You could say that. The area of the tree line it’s come through runs the edge of the field behind the out buildings that we checked earlier. Those buildings will provide visual cover as it approaches the house right up until the last few moments.” Ianto replied moving into positon as Donna did the same, both noticing the readings of the approaching visitor quickly nearing the aforementioned out buildings. The Welshman turned to face away from the back door slightly and near to the table, while Donna moved to be on Ianto’s left a foot or so away from him, close enough that their alien visitor hopefully thought it a good position to capture both of them at the same time, but giving the pair room to execute not only their main plan, but also a backup one if the Xa’lk didn’t do as hoped.
Watching the scanner Ianto and Donna observed the Xa’lk cover the remaining distance to the out buildings quickly, then edge its way around them, pausing for a moment or two, before covering the final distance and entering the farmhouse. Having followed its progress neither Ianto nor Donna were surprised when the Xa’lk entered the kitchen, their visitor however was taken aback and reacted as Ianto had hoped; it paused for a fraction of a moment, disconcerted by the discrepancy of its readings and what it expected to see compared to the actual visual in front of it. It was enough of a hesitation for Ianto to not only fully turn to face the Xa’lk and be ready to execute plan B but to also move enough to give Donna a clear line of sight to demonstrate the throwing skill that had made her Junior School rounder ball throwing Champion three years running.
“ I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Ianto said to their now captive visitor who had raised what looked to be a potential weapon with one of the two shorter of the four ‘arms’ it appeared to have. “ It is more likely to rebound back and hit you than to penetrate the cell and hit us.”
The Xa’lk paused in its movement but didn’t lower the ‘weapon’, tilting its ‘head’ - an elongated oval with no obvious nose, two sunken eyes surrounded by what appeared to be short spikes, a slit, which both Ianto and Donna assumed was probably its mouth, that had a thin foot long tentacle at each end of it, - a little as if considering the words spoken to it.
“ You are currently on Earth, also known as Sol Three. It is a protected planet. We are Torchwood operatives tasked with protecting this planet and specifically this nation,” Ianto continued as he seemed to have the Xa’lks’ attention, “Your unsanctioned arrival on Earth breaks Intergalactic access protocols and as such you have been placed into custody while your reasons for encroaching into restricted space are ascertained. Do you have an explanation for your encroachment onto this planet ?” The Welshman had of course been filled in by the Captain on what had been discovered by the others but wanted to see what response their visitor would give if in fact it understood what was being said to it. The way the Xa’lk seemed to be watching Ianto he got the impression the alien did indeed understand.
“ I… come… on… a… legitimate… search,” their entrapped visitor responded after a moment, it’s voice deep and a little slow with a rarely used quality to it.
“ Legitimate or not you made no contact with Earth authorities prior to landing and no attempt after. Both instances are against Intergalactic Law. You are a traveller ? Yes ?” Ianto watched the Xa’lk closely.
“ Agreed.” The alien replied after seeming to consider its answer for a moment, it stood motionless except for the slight movement of its head from side to side as it listened to the Welshman.
“ Then you are aware of the Intergalactic protocols you should have followed.”
“ I… arrived… through… a… spatial… rift… unable… to... contact... before... arrival. ” The visitor offered in explanation still intently observing the human in front of it.
“ And once you had arrived ?”
“ An… oversight.” The Xa’lk responded.
Ianto stared impassively at the alien not giving anything away as he continued. “You said you are here on a search, what are you searching for ?” The Welshman wanted to see just what the Xa’lk would admit to even though he was fully aware that the alien visitor was looking for the owners of their current location.
Donna watched on silently, for once, as Ianto and the Xa’lk now seemed to be in a staring contest, both seemingly trying to get a read on the other. Ianto to ascertain what threat the alien could pose. The Xa’lk trying to gauge the humans’ capabilities and what its’ next step should be. It was the alien visitor that broke the silence that had seemed longer than the mere moments it had in fact been.
“ I... have... been... charged… to… search… for… and… retrieve… a… missing… Shiffthral... They… are… much… missed.”
‘ So not telling the whole truth then,’ Ianto thought as he took in what the Xa’lk said. Their visitor was apparently going to play it cagey and further questioning looked as though it would involve a fare bit of cat and mouse between the protagonists. Ianto doubted his direct involvement would continue much longer as the chatter in the background over the comms indicated that the Captain and the Doctor were almost there.
The Immortal and the Time Lord however were beaten into the farmhouse kitchen by a gun wielding Gwen Cooper whose weapon was trained not on the containment cell holding the Xa’lk, but on her Torchwood teammate and fellow countryman.
Chapter 50 :