First Lines Meme
January: I missed the actual turning of the new year due to being absorbed in my movie.
February: Sigh.
March: I got a free lunch today!
April: Despite a strict avoidance of any caffeine-containing drugs after six, for the past several months, I've had terrible insomnia the first night of my period.
May: Just a heads-up: May, like January, is a heavy birthday month on my flist, so expect to see a lot of +2 font over the next thirty days.
June: It never fails - a week of sunshine and clear skies at the end of May, and then first day of June: Boom! We have clouds.
July: WARNING: If you are squeamish in regards to creepy crawlies and things that go click in the night, do not read this post! [Editor's note: Epic post is epic.]
August: Still catching up.
September: I keep hoping that someone will respond to
this post to say, "Hey, dude, that was me, and I was messing with you because I, too, thought you were creepy!"
October: The baseball polls were fun last year, so they're back for another round.
November: Good luck to everyone playing the NaNo game this year.
December: Because of the various places my email address is listed and the addresses that forward to me, I get a lot of spam.