I forgot to turn my alarm off last night. *facepalm* Oh well, I'm still messed up from the time change, so getting up (eventually) at eight on a Saturday didn't feel as weird as it should have. Plus, the car shop just called to give me an update, although they don't yet have a diagnosis.
SGA: The Prodigal
I don't have too much to say, but as the end approacheth, I'd like to keep track.
My hatred of the Michael plotline has been well-documented on this journal. That said, this one wasn't bad! I enjoyed it more than I have most episodes this season, which isn't saying much considering how terrible a season I think it's been, but you know, it's something. Things I liked:
- Shep and Rodney and THEIR TOY CARS AHAHAHHA.
longtimegone posted a cap of that scene a few days ago, which I thought at the time was a behind the scenes shot of Hewlett and the Flan. SO. YAY.
(And the sneaking waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off to the far corners of Atlantis to play - judging by the view they had of the city - really just feeds the slash, which I appreciate. I don't understand why Teyla would be coming that far with the baby, though.)
- Teyla getting the final - please, let it be final - word on Michael. As deeply problematic as this story has been, it was going to be a let-down if Batman Shep finished him off. I didn't appreciate the uncomfortable-looking shirt of telegraphed badassery, but the protective mama bear aspect was a satisfying and unexpected conclusion.
- Ronon's mission reports as voice of the fans. I often have about as much to say about an episode as he did! :)))
I wasn't paying enough attention to say more;
legomymalfoy introduced
http://superobamaworld.com onto my flist.