I fail so badly at birthdays this year!
Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday,
In an effort to not spend today as I did yesterday - that is, camped out with Temeraire (finished book two before going to bed, just cracked open book 3) - I took myself to see Hamlet 2 today. It was entertaining, although I waver on whether it was worth seeing in theatres, but the five people total I shared the theatre with could have affected that perception. I laughed and "Rock Me, Sexy Jesus" is stuck in my head.
They threw a few different gimmicks into the "guy who thinks he's in an inspirational teacher movie" think and none of them were quite realized enough to really work. The act breaks and scene titles were fun, but inconsistently given, and the voiceover wasn't frequent enough to feel like a part of the film, like it is in Pushing Daisies. Also, I would have liked to see more of the show being put together and less genital humor. But eh. *shrugs* Entertaining!
Afterwards, I had to swing by Target for surprisingly hard to find carpet cleaner (tragic wine accident - the only time I've ever been grateful for my fugly dark brown carpet) - and for a solution to a ridiculously bourgeois problem. Since switching to canvas bags for shopping, I've had the dilemma of how to deal with my recycling in the absence of brown paper bags. Solution: A short wire shelving unit and plastic bins. Now, I can just bring the bins down when they fill up, dump the contents in the appropriate large bins, and reuse. Yay! Plus, newly opened storage space on the top shelf.
My only problem now is dealing with the mountain of boxes I've accumulated this week, what with the shelves and the new (refurbished) vacuum and the new (to me) DVD/VCR.
Let's get memey!
1. Comment on this post.
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Think of 5 fictional characters and post their names and your comments on these characters in your LJ.
People are doing photos on this, too. I am not. This entry is long enough.
abyssinia4077 gave me T!
Okay, I obsessed for far too long about which characters to pick. I probably missed someone really obvious. Heh. I deliberately avoided characters who are only Ts by virtue of an article.
1. Teal'c - Stargate
What can I say about T-money that hasn't already been said? Big guy, strong sense of honor, occasionally hypocritical in pursuit of his goals. I just wish I liked his episodes more. He and Ronon - heck, anyone who's "the alien" - suffer because TPTB make their focal episodes so very separate from the rest of the characters. And then for a while, it was like, torture torture torture, side of torture.
Anyway. Love the big man. Glad he got his hair at last.
2. Deanna Troi - Star Trek: TNG
I selected her to make sure this meme wouldn't be a love-fest. I adore TNG, but I cannot stand Troi with her touchy-feely and her "Pain!" and her restatement of the obvious, every frickin' episode. Also, the "uniform." What the heck, man? After S1, having her as one only two women in the main cast made me a very sad panda. And then the Troi/Worf, which was squicky to me. Thank goodness for DS9.
Movie!Troi is a different story, though. "This is not the TIME to ARGUE about TIME. We don't have the TIME!"? Fabulous, and redeeming. Well, at least for the movies. It doesn't work in reverse, and I still can't watch her on reruns of the series.
3. Temeraire - Er, Temeraire.
Okay, so I figured I should explain for those of who who've been lost in my recent flailing. The
Temeraire series are books set during the Napoleonic Wars, with the premise that there are dragons and they participate in the wars/society, depending on where you are in the world.
Temeraire himself is the main dragon, and wow, it took me very little time to fall head over heels in love. He's brilliant from the start and a special dragon without being a Gary Stu. I adore his simple, logical perspective on the world, and his naïveté, eroding though it is as I progress, is endearing. And he's such a little (er) troublemaker! Aw. I want one.
4. Tonks - Harry Potter
Sigh. Oh, Tonks. You were so cool in book five. So freakin' cool. You and the rest of the estrogen infusion of that book made it one of my two favorites in the series. You were different, and if not a true love of mine like Luna, you had your own spark and were a welcome inter-generational figure. I was happily shipping you with Charlie and all was well.
What happened, Tonks? Were you cursed, as I thought through most of HBP, under Imperius and spying on the Order and Hogwarts - a spy we knew and cared about and would actually find shocking? I was sort of squicked by some of the meta out there speculating that you'd transformed into Sirius/Padfoot for Remus, but I'll take it if you told me that's what happened. Because really, Nymphadora, I love Remus, too, but he's just not into you. I'm very sad that you turned out to have an unconquerable self-destructive impulse there.
Also, that you're dead, because that was stupid and really sucks for your kid.
5. *resists the pull of Kara Thrace* Tosh - Torchwood
While we're on the theme of women with crushes I Just Don't Get...my darling Tosh! Geek girl almost entirely made of awesome! She's so brave in the face of stuff that clearly scares her shitless. She doesn't have the daring spirit of a Jack (thought: someone should do all Jacks for this meme) or Gwen,
but, you know, she recovers and does her best anyway, and it doesn't matter once she's in her element. Her reticence is relatable, and if I never understood the Owen thing, I could at least sympathize. Her trip through time with Captain Jack is possibly my favorite episode of the show.
Rules: Post the first lines from each of your 25 most recent fanfic pieces and try to find a pattern.
Haha, let's see if I can even find 25! Starting from most recent...
1. Daniel didn't generally enjoy background noise while he worked, but if the television was on, at least Jack wasn't talking.
apocalypse_kree WIP, untitled and subject to change.)
2. When John began haunting his dreams, Rodney knew he had a problem.
Ghostwriter, SGA)
3. When it finally happens, Sam isn't all that surprised.
One on One, SGA)
4. "Attention, all passengers on Flight 2487 to Cairo. Departure time has been pushed further back..."
"A quiet holiday in Egypt", SG-1)
5. "Want to get out of here?" she says, and Sam nods while the guys laugh at the village leader's raunchy joke.
Atalanta's Race, SG-1)
6. Knock, knock. (Ahaha, FAIL)
It must be the accent,
jack_built AU)
7. Rodney knocked on the door of apartment 320, casting anxious glances at the stairs and trying not to jostle the bundle in his arms.
The One with the Kitten,
jack_built AU)
8. She was tip-toeing.
The Threads You Follow, SG-1)
9. The suns were shining. The birds were singing. The scientists were swaying from the trees.
(Cheating because it's not worth it without the full intro.)
Compromised, SG-1)
10. "See ya."
(Wah, so lame for possibly my favorite fic by me ever.)
Clinging as Condition (Bhava Rising), SG-1)
11. Contrary to popular belief, Sam Carter did not spend the entirety of her down time at the SGC holed up in her lab.
Thank You for Your Patronage!, SG-1)
12. "Ten righteous men."
Ten Righteous Men, haha, SG-1)
13. "As the second order of my presidency," Baltar announced to anyone within hearing, "I require secretaries."
Five Things That Definitely Didn't Happen That Year, BSG)
14. It was P2X-547 that first gave Sam the notion that a more extended sweep of the area surrounding the stargate might be in order for unexplored planets.
The Trouble With..., SG-1)
15. Ring, ring, ri-
(Ahaha, fail again.)
Attached, SG-1)
16. Her father used to say that the only things a diplomat was good for were stalling for time and clean up duty.
Diplomacy, SG-1)
17. When Harry arrived home from the Ministry that evening, he had expected a quiet Friday evening of cuddling with his wife.
Untitled ficlet, HP)
18. There were a number of aspects to the wizarding world that Dean had never thought he'd get used to during his seven years at Hogwarts.
Untitled ficlet, HP)
19. Teyla Emmagan was proud of her ability to understand other people’s minds and hearts with relatively little effort.
Real Women Are Not a Committee, SGA)
20. Adama was dead: to begin with.
A Solstice Carol, BSG)
21. The third day of the 547th Interversal Symposium on Spectacular Space Travel (or ISSST - a joke that never ceased to amuse the Gro!vokigan contingent, though they never shared the humor) was always the longest, Pilot thought as he scrubbed the lower port air vents, recycled the crew quarters’ water waste, monitored space for communications, assessed the damage young D’Argo had caused near the neural cluster this morning, and maintained homeostasis within Moya.
Alien Pilots Have More Fun, SGA/Farscape)
22. Daniel knows how to handle explosive Jack.
(No Jacks were permanently harmed in the making of this fic.)
Of Reality, SG-1 )
23. The discarded cigar burns out on its ashtray, the smoke curling lazily upward to diffuse in the air.
One for the Road, BSG)
24. "So after a month of that, I finally get up the guts to approach her. And before I can say anything, she says, 'Like I told those other kids, I don't know where the high school tour groups meet. Sorry.'"
(You have to put the whole thing if it's a quote, right?)
First Flight, SG-1/BSG)
25. She doesn’t know how long she’s out, curled up against the column, holding her aching sides as the world comes crashing down on her.
Identity Crisis, BSG)
That takes us back to 2005, folks. Prolific, I am not. I was worried I'd have to dig into my Trek fic.
Also, man, I really rock the no character intro, establish PoV and hint at plot/theme from the first sentence thing, huh? I am okay with this. I mean, variety wouldn't hurt, but it's not a bad deal. You can clearly see the way I went from greater variety to adherence to the formula, though, which probably means I'm too comfortable with it. Also, I am hereby not allowed to start a fic with "When..." or a sound effect.
That's all I've got, but it was a fun meander through my fic LJ.
hpalternity has started! I'm not playing, but it's a journal style HP RPG run by people I trust with these things and I'm looking forward to becoming its fangirl. Must finish epic LJ entry of epicness first.
Finally, since I failed at making real plans for this weekend, I'm starting early on next. It's the
Ghirardelli Square Chocolate Festival, with a side of
free pie on Sunday. Anyone in the area up for a sugar rush?