Title: Strong Hearts Pairings: YunJae Length: really short Author: zorata Rating: PG Genre: Angst/slight-humor Summary: Hearts will never be practical until they are made unbreakable Disclaimer: Prompt
Sweet cause it's love..to me...one-sided love is always bitter sweet to a large extent..
On one hand, the love you feel towards that person is always exhilarating and giddying and thus the sweetness but on the other hand, the unrequited love is always painful and thus the bitterness..
Haha...am I making any sense? Just treat me as a romantic fool..
ah...I see. haha I should treat you more as a romantic expert. I'm so not romantically advanced >_< All my romance knowledge came from outside sources (which aren't a lot since I don't read romance things). Unrequited love is probably the only thing I'm familiar with XD
Don't you feel your heart beating faster or your face getting redder when your crush is around? That to me is sweetness...my dear...of course, when this crush of yours reject your love..everything turned bitter but then again..if you think back....didn't you experience excitement and happiness too when you were crushing him the last time? That's why I say one-sided love affair is bittersweet..
although I don't really agree that crushing is exciting and happy. Or maybe crushing is, but unrequited love isn't. Crushing holds the hope that maybe one day your love will be returned, but unrequited love is to face the fact that your feelings will never be mutual. I don't know if it's sweet, but it's definitely tragic.
I totally agree it's tragic and devastating at times whent ehperson you like don't like you back. But when you remember all the red face and palpitatino you get from just starign at him..well, to me that's sweet..
Sometimes, love desn't really mean to possess..well, it would be perfect if his feeling is mutual..but then, sometimes, some thing just meant not to be. I know I sound like a romantic fool here...I do agree that the heartache is all there..but don't forget..the good memories of the beginning of the crushing too.
All I can say is that, that's my personal experience, lol!
I think I understand where you are coming from, and it's interesting to see this from someone else's experience, because it's definitely different from my own. For me personally, I hate crushing because it was such a big distraction and nothing good ever comes out of it. Let see...I haven't had a crush for like...six years now? XD I just didn't like the feeling of being agitated for no reason whatsoever
( ... )
On one hand, the love you feel towards that person is always exhilarating and giddying and thus the sweetness but on the other hand, the unrequited love is always painful and thus the bitterness..
Haha...am I making any sense? Just treat me as a romantic fool..
Don't you feel your heart beating faster or your face getting redder when your crush is around? That to me is sweetness...my dear...of course, when this crush of yours reject your love..everything turned bitter but then again..if you think back....didn't you experience excitement and happiness too when you were crushing him the last time? That's why I say one-sided love affair is bittersweet..
I hope this is clearer for you??
although I don't really agree that crushing is exciting and happy. Or maybe crushing is, but unrequited love isn't. Crushing holds the hope that maybe one day your love will be returned, but unrequited love is to face the fact that your feelings will never be mutual. I don't know if it's sweet, but it's definitely tragic.
your thoughts? =]
Sometimes, love desn't really mean to possess..well, it would be perfect if his feeling is mutual..but then, sometimes, some thing just meant not to be. I know I sound like a romantic fool here...I do agree that the heartache is all there..but don't forget..the good memories of the beginning of the crushing too.
All I can say is that, that's my personal experience, lol!
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