Title: Strong Hearts Pairings: YunJae Length: really short Author: zorata Rating: PG Genre: Angst/slight-humor Summary: Hearts will never be practical until they are made unbreakable Disclaimer: Prompt
I think I understand where you are coming from, and it's interesting to see this from someone else's experience, because it's definitely different from my own. For me personally, I hate crushing because it was such a big distraction and nothing good ever comes out of it. Let see...I haven't had a crush for like...six years now? XD I just didn't like the feeling of being agitated for no reason whatsoever.
But I do agree that memories with the person you love are good, but more because they are memories of friendship, not of the crushing. Actually, I don't like to term what I have experienced as 'crushing', because when I get attached to someone, it's a long term love. And the process of loving someone, until you realize it won't work out, and then the years after that, the memories associated with all of it are far from good.
(Don't know if you realized it yet, but I'm a very practical person. Dealing with emotional things has always been a struggle.)
Sorry I'm going all essay-ish on you ^^" But I really do feel that this is an interesting discussion~
But I do agree that memories with the person you love are good, but more because they are memories of friendship, not of the crushing. Actually, I don't like to term what I have experienced as 'crushing', because when I get attached to someone, it's a long term love. And the process of loving someone, until you realize it won't work out, and then the years after that, the memories associated with all of it are far from good.
(Don't know if you realized it yet, but I'm a very practical person. Dealing with emotional things has always been a struggle.)
Sorry I'm going all essay-ish on you ^^" But I really do feel that this is an interesting discussion~
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