Women's Work has been moving right along kicking ass. Our donations for transitioning women have been so abundant that we have been able to furnish 5 mamas with what they need to start a new life, and we still have a store of furniture, baby furniture, housewares and clothes for those in need.
As you may know, our modus operandi is to provide comprehensive material support in setting women up in their new homes after transitioning from a shelter or domestic violence situation. Everything from couches to dishes to cribs!
We are currently at the critical point for infant clothes (especially for boys) and will be pretty much tapped out after we set our next family up.
If you have new or like-new infant clothes you would like to send along, please comment with your email (comments screened) and I will send you the shipping address.
We are revving up to debut the Choice Fund which provides funding for ALL reproductive choices - birth, abortion and birth control. We have been contacted by a clinic and will be further seeking financial help on behalf of their clients who have NO OTHER RESOURCES to access reproductive choice.
We have a midwife and a doula who are wiling to donate services (and Faith has been hooked up with both, BTW!) So we're excited to work with women and support them in all of their options.
If you would like to make a financial donation to The Choice Fund, please go to our website at:
http://www.womensworkwa.org And donate using the PayPal button in the top left corner of the screen.
As of now we have no administrative costs, but we are looking for a CPA for hire. 10% of cash donations will be reserved to pay this genius moneyperson when we find them, 90% will go directly to material support of women in need.
We do have our 501(c)(3) and can provide documentation and receipts because all donations are tax-deductible!
If you need proof of 501(c)(3) status or a receipt, please attach a note with your donation or comment here.