10 things You hate about Me.

Mar 01, 2008 15:03

1) I reinvent myself fairly regularly. Not the core stuff like values and beliefs and general badassery, but the accessories. I have been in a low maintenance phase for a few years, but I think I am re-entering a femme phase. wanting to return to shaving, jewelry, fingernails and dresses. but not the long hair, no no no. That's just a little too too.

2) I took a vow of voluntary poverty when I left lawskool. Before that it was involuntary poverty allll the way. I don't think I can be a good person and make more than 40-something thousand a year. I really don't. I think I would get distracted, shallow and materialistic. I admire people who don't, but I have a grasping streak and it ain't pretty. Of course at the moment I make like 20 something thousand a year and that shit needs to change, yo.

3) I love my hometown (not Chattaroy, Spokane.) As I get older I want to punch faces when people slag on it. It's so easy to whine about the lack of culture and the poverty and the industrial ugly, but there is a genuineness and lack of pose in the place that I personally love. And yeah, that means mullets. And not the ironic ones. I have lived in the beating heart of hip, and I prefer this.

4) That said, I have been hermiting for a long time now, which is another thing I do cyclically. This time was particularly long and drawn out. I am itching to go do something new. Or old somethings I love. Like Radical Cheerleading. Just a thought.

5) I rarely wear matching socks. It just seems like such a bother.

6) I have not had television for like 10 years or something, and only for short periods before that. I have never had cable teevee, not even growing up (parents were cheap, not enlightened). So when I see commercials, they just seem so obvious and manipulative, I can't believe they work. I also immediately become self conscious about the size of my ass - which means they work on me, too. Shit. So there's my anecdotal groundbreaking study: Advertising Kills Your Soul.

7) Writing that reminded me that I should make some fries with garlic aioli, so I did.

8) I don't miss activism. My job is so in the foxhole that I want to do something else with my time away. Like knit. Like knit little tea cozies. Something useless in the extreme. Cheering does not count as activism. That is shameless exhibitionism, and in this town, also risky behavior. Like an extreme sport.

9) Did you know that a welfare check for a single mom with one kid is the same now as it was 15 years ago when I was on it? $440/month, y'all. Living large.

10) I bet I still qualify for food stamps....
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