Bad-Luck and Orgasmic Popsicle

Aug 20, 2007 17:48

So.. we got our AC fixed, but now something else is broken and we can't run it or something leaks.. That will be fixed Wednesday.. Thank the Devil for that!

Until then.. It's hot XD Actually it's a little cooler feeling today. It's 94°F(34°C) outside, and roughly the same inside, plus all this gross humidity! But, it feels way cooler outside because there's a breeze.. But, it's better today, because my daddy bought a huge bag of popsicles! And, the kind I like B:

Those little frozen delights that are in these long plastic sheets XD I hate the kind with the actual popsicle sticks (I'm scared of choking on them), and they're messy. But these, are perfect.

And.. I just ate one, and it was orgasmic! I'm still smiling like a loon from it! XD
Felt soo good (-w- WTF, I write more lame journals here than on my LJ!

Oy! I'm misspelling everything write now, I blame my German lessons B: I'm getting used to how that language is spelled, and now I'm screwing up Englisch!

And the spell-checker isn't fixing it BX Whatever!
Ich gehe, zu fresse mehr Eis am Stiel XP I bet that's wrong-ish.

popsicle, hot, tropic, air-conditioner, florida

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