Perhaps I haven't written much because there's not much of interest in my life. But I did do one mildly interesting thing this week, namely some re-working of my wardrobe. This involved:
(1) a trip to JCPenney to use up a Christmas gift card--scored a new skirt & blazer for church;
(2) a trip to Salvation Army*, where I scored 2 shirts for $3; and
(3) a massive purge of my wardrobe: getting rid of anything too tattered to wear and boxing up the size I "outgrew" (I hope to lose enough weight to get back into that size, but in the mean time I don't need the stuff in my closet).
I'm glad to finally get rid of my really ratty stuff. I still need to pick up a few more long-sleeved tops for winter--more visits to Salvation Army are in my future. The shirts I got are in !!bright!! colors, which makes me happy. Until recently, my winter wardrobe was all dark colors, which was depressing. I like bright colors and will be looking for more.
*I miss the Salvation Army store that used to be located by the library. It was so nice and biiiiig. Now that it's gone, I have to visit the little store by
linaelyn's house. This is far less convenient for me. Before, it was no problem to drop in every week to see if they had something nifty on sale. Now...I don't know. I may not get over there for a while.