Just another bad hair day

Feb 12, 2009 20:47

Things this week which have made me go grrr:
  • The family planning nurse telling me in a disapproving tone of voice that it was 'drastic' to have my IUS removed on the grounds it is giving me acne. WTF, woman, I've had it five years. Also, my body, kthxbai.
  • The family planning doctor telling me that I will have to go to the hospital to have the IUS removed, because the threads have gone AWOL and she can't find it. This despite the fact that when I was in the hospital having scans because the GP could not find the IUS the consultant blithely assured me that the family planning clinic could take it out. This means that the journey from the time I first thought 'Must be about time my IUS was removed... hey, where are the threads?' will have gone GP > hospital > GP > family planning clinic > GP > hospital. Ye gods, I love the NHS, but it could be a tad more efficient at times, y/y?
  • My friend A cancelling his planned visit to me because of evil grownup responsibilities like money and dentist bills and building work on his house. *sadfaces*
  • Me having to change my train ticket to Aberystwyth because A not visiting means me travelling at a different time (cancellation charge: £10). And then fucking up the date and having to change it again (charge for being a super-dumbass: £10). I could really do without wasting £20 at the moment.
  • My general tiredness, irritability, and lack of time or brain to do anything. I slept all day on Wednesday, WTF is up with that? I wouldn't mind if some kind of clone was doing my work for me while I slept.

Things this week which have made me smile:
  • Snowy snow all day today! So pretty! I've been feeling cheated because all the time the South had snow we had none here in the North, which seemed against the laws of the universe. But today made up for that - awesomely, I had nowhere to be, so I got to admire it from my warm house and only ventured outside for a five minute stroll in my wellies.
  • Shiny comments on some of my fic, including Burn Your Life Down, which I was pretty much resigned to noone wanting to read.
  • parenthetical promising she has a nice surprise up her sleeve for me *shakes presents excitedly*
  • A friend commenting on how nice I look in my new Facebook photo (in fact my only Facebook photo - it's taken me a year to have a photo at all. I'm being slowly dragged into the newfangled technology, but kicking and screaming.)

So, on balance things could be worse. But I still feel cranky and generally moh *points to icon*

moh, rl, rambling

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