Thanksgiving insanity

Nov 18, 2010 14:45

This'll be an interesting few days...the trip I've had planned (no, I won't say to where, though it's not to a con or anything) has undergone a rather jarring revision, now that I've found out last-minute that my friend can only be out of town two days. I think we'll still be able to make things work out, but a few things will have to be sacrificed, and a lot of time will be spent driving! Plans are to get a reservation for a rental tonight...

Once I get back, I'll (hopefully) get caught up/ahead of the game with some written assignments I have due around the beginning of December. Thanksgiving itself will be spent in town, as one of my professors graciously invited anyone in our class to their family Thanksgiving dinner who wanted to come. Heck, I'm game! Next weekend's forcast: mountainous with a slight chance of zoo!

Once all that insanity is over with, then I get to turn around and start making travel plans for the Greater Politically Correct Unspecified Winter-Solstice-Centered Collection of Holidays Period. The general outline will be me going from here-->home-->back East-->home-->here; I'd eliminate one of those legs of the journey, but it simply wouldn't jive with my plans to be certain places at certain times. I suppose I should enjoy the insanity, because once I return to campus in January, I'll have maybe one 3-day weekend of getting out of the state to look forward to until summer!

The cold weather has settled in, but skies are sunnier than they've been. I approve...the bit of snow we've gotten has mostly melted, but on the plus side, that may make hike-age easier next weekend. Guess I can't complain...

hiking, travel, holidays, weather

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