Sep 30, 2008 02:57
Well, this is going to be interesting--we get to witness what will probably be a modern-day Great Depression. Bailout or no bailout, we've just ordered ourselves a giant shit sandwich, and we're all going to take a bite. If I can manage to graduate from college at the end of this school year and have a degree in my hand, I feel like that will be at least some kind of leverage...luckily I think my financial aid will hold. At least the silver lining of all of this is that this complete asshole I knew who works at an investment bank (I don't know which one) will hopefully be out of a job.
My sleep schedule is all fucked up again, I ended up waking up at 10 PM. Urgh...
I might be able to make about $90 if I can find my receipt and return a class textbook, since I discovered a friend has the same one and is letting me borrow it. My room's a complete mess, and I need to find it today...wish me luck!
Healthwise, I'm--slowly--beginning to improve, but I have a ways to go yet.
It looks like my parents will be looking after those toddlers after all, but probably just for a few months. It'll still be stressful for them, but I think my mom at least is actually looking somewhat forward to it now, which is good. Apparently the oldest one is calling them his "new grandparents"...I'm glad my mom will have the chance to experience grandkids, even for a short time, since it's unlikely that I'll be supplying any due to my almost exclusive love for animals.
I'm not looking terribly forward to getting home for Christmas this year--not because of weather concerns, or because I don't want to see my parents, but because of the now-ridiculous cost of travel. I'm seriously considering taking a bus or Amtrak one way and enjoying the scenery--it'll cost about the same anyway! It'd be a good way to tick a few more states off my list too, as I've now visited 40 of them. I'll just keep an eye on the next month or so, and see what prices do (and how many airlines declare bankruptcy). At least my Thanksgiving plans should be relatively simple...