I would like to introduce Pickles, the syrian hamster.
Better pictures later, I promise.
This little guy was in the infirmary for a while because one of his tankmates went on a mauling spree. I worked the infirm/wellness room for the first time the other day; this involves cleaning the tanks of the various animals in there, medicating, and putting healed animals back on the floor. This fellow's wounds had healed enough to warrant floor placement and, when I went to pick him up to put him in a box, he was so hand friendly and laid back. I let him crawl up my sweatshirt and, when he reached my shoulder, he stopped to nuzzle my neck for a brief moment.
I have been toying with getting a hamster for a couple of months now, but needed to overcome two issues. First, I needed to figure out bedding. It turns out that I have no problem with the animals themselves, but I tend to be allergic to the marketed bedding (they are usually wood or involve dust). Problem solved: use paper that I shred at home. Cost-efficient AND allergy-friendly.
Thank you, credit card companies, for your huge mass mailings.
Second, however, was finding the perfect hamster. When this guy stumbled into my hands there was something so endearing about his trusting nature - not to mention the tattered ear and his healing battle wounds.
I believe that animals enrich one's life. In addition to being objects of admiration, my pets have always been thereputic for me. My fish in undergrad, for example, broke me of a lot of my OCD-like traits. It's hard to touch everything perfectly in passing when you are carrying a bucket of clean water down the dorm hall and trying not to taint the load. Storm obviously has made my life much better than it ever could have been otherwise; I could fill a book with the things he has done for me. Perhaps I will someday.
Apollo is set up in my kitchen. As a result, I've been keeping my kitchen clean (well, almost clean) and functional, which has been quite a challenge in some of my more recent states of mind.
Pickles has been home for less than 24 hours; my room is starting to get clean.
I really am a better person with animals around.
Storm's life is also enriched; please don't think me crass, but this is a fantastic training opportunity for him. He wants to herd this little guy so badly but obviously can't. With an animal with a temperment as lovely as Pickles', I can FINALLY do some herding instinct desensitization with Storm. I'll never train it out of him completely (nor would I want to!), but this could really help make him more managable.
I have so much more to write, but I am so tired. I've had such a busy two days and I need to sleep before working at 9AM tomorrow.
Sarah (and Storm, and Apollo, and Pickles)
ETA: Also, my dragons need to stop turning out to be female. :(