Some startling facts from my Ethnic Lit. book...

Feb 22, 2006 18:25

Did you know...

- That African Americans are 3 times as likely to be killed by a Policeman than white Americans?

- That a murderer who kills a white person is ten times more likely to get the death sentence than if he had killed a black person?

- That 1 in every 1500 black males will be murdered, whereas only 1 in every 9000 white males will be murdered?

- That the average income for the average black family is only 56% what it is for the average white family?

- That the percentage of people in New Orleans (as of 1990) who are black is 50%.
The percentage of qualified applicants for the New Orleans Police Department
who are black is 40%.
The percentage of New Orleans Police who are black is 2%.

- Do you think things have gotten better since the Civil Rights Movement? From 1972-1982 (the most current statistics the book lists) black unemployment increased 82%, whereas white unemployment has only increased 69%.

The book was written in 1995, so admittedly it is over a decade old. I suppose if you wanted you could try to make the argument that statistics showing racial inequality have gotten more hopeful in the past decade, but considering Bush has been in office half that time, I'd say it's unlikely.
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