I'm alive, I swear

Mar 03, 2012 17:52

Wow, I haven't updated in ages. I've been pretty busy recently with work and college. Real life's a bitch like that.

I've been meaning to talk about Skins for a while now, but I haven't got around to it yet. So here it is.

I'm getting less and less enthusiastic about it after each episode airs. I find myself forgetting it's on until about six on a monday, whereas last series I was looking forward to it all week. The writing's awful, even writers whose previous episodes I've really enjoyed. And while I still think pretty much the whole cast are amazing actors; there's only so much they can do with a shitty script.

I feel like the writers just have no respect for who the characters are and what they were like last series. It's like series six aired with completely different characters. I'm really pissed off still about the offhand way Grace's death was treated, and how Rich has pretty much disappeared since. And Malo's annoying me. Not because I'm a Mini/Franky shipper, I'm honestly not bothered about whether my ships become canon or not. I just feel like it did not have any development at all and what could be potentially quite sweet and interesting has been ruined as a result.

And I don't even want to talk about Mini's pregnancy or what they're doing with Franky.

I just feel really sad that after the truly amazing series five, we're finishing the gen (and most likely Skins itself) with this.

I'll hopefully be updating a bit more, now.

skins, rant

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