Jul 17, 2022 09:47
Also, Chief Engineer for the USS Ghost. So...progress on the APU. We took it back to Thermoking to get more warranty work done. What they found is that a fuse holder on the main board seems to loosen up, so it won't make contact and then acts as if the fuse had blown. This fuse is for the APU engine's cooling fan. So, no fuse means the fan won't turn and the APU shuts off to keep itself from overheating. Sadly, they did not have a replacement board (which would cost around $1800, thank you warranty!) but did try to crimp the connectors down.
So at the Dennys in Kingdom City, MO I noticed the fan wasn't working before going in for lunch. I prayed it would still be going when I got back. No such luck, all nice and shut down when I got back. This means taking everything off and away from the bunk so I can get into the central compartment where the control board for the APU is. Got into it and...sure enough. The fuse itself was fine the but holder came all loose again. Crimped it back with a pair of needlenose pliers and so far it's all working again. If I knew how I'd just take the board out and try to unsolder the old holder and solder in a new one. But it's easier just to have the warranty work done. So! There ya are.
Still need a whole bunch of interior and exterior panels though, even after I replaced a bunch. Oy.
truck ownership