Jul 17, 2022 09:38
Hello, it's your friendly, local cyberdragon at the keyboard once more. Let's start with last night. Had a lucid dream! With an annoying ending. I found myself carrying equipment around in what appeared to be a large truck shop, with at least a couple of trucks pulled in to be worked on. What first clued me in was that it was raining. Right! Even there I said "Wait a minute. I'm inside. How can it be raining? Then it occurred to me. I'm dreaming. So I looked around for a spot to drop everything I was carrying, and walked over to three employees, two males, one female. I asked, "So what is the meaning of this dream taking place here?" I never got an answer, because the alarm went off and woke me up!
Today my mate and I attended a service of Rolling Ministries, set in the Fairburn Family Travel Center. We've been here at least a couple of times before. I know, diehard pagans at Sunday service. How ironic. I went in with a question that's been bugging me for quite some time now.
Iset took a sledgehammer to any notion that the gods may not exist. That I got beyond any doubt now. But from there, I wanted some kind of sign that they were on my side. Being there gave me all the confirmation I needed. Okay, so that doubt dropped off.
And more! Even though it hadn't been on my mind recently, I still wondered why we had been created so limited. Science tells us our senses only detect small slivers of the stimuli available. We only see a tiny portion of the available electromagnetic spectrum. The other frequencies still exist, we just can't see them. Same with hearing. We can only hear down to a certain frequency, and up to a certain one. I know driving the truck I've probably lost at least some high end over what I can hear, and maybe some lows as well.
Why? Why make us so limited? So flawed?
Then it was like, "Well, God(or the gods) already knows how to love perfectly and all that. Divinity doesn't need us for that. But what we CAN do is love in that one unique way that nobody else can." God(s) may be perfect love, but we're ONE love.
down the rabbit hole,