zombres Jun 23, 2012 23:25
lizz: fellow flaily hodgins fangirl, fanfics, doctor who: fantastic! allons-y! fez!, photoshoppin' mad skillz, the old folks, sanctuary
zombres Mar 01, 2012 14:11
tumblr, anya loves tj & jamesie & michael, imogen poots for young river song, misfits, cuteness!, game of thrones, cracked.com, your moment of zen, brb loling forever, firefly: you can't take the sky from me, sherlock, i'm a marvel girl, cosplay, downton abbey, doctor who: fantastic! allons-y! fez!, scifi originals/b movies, zombies: aim for the head!!!, sanctuary, gifs, simon pegg. nick frost. edgar wright, once upon a time, art, lizz: fellow flaily hodgins fangirl, icons, fanfics, elementary dear watson/russell
zombres Dec 24, 2011 22:32
luther, sir! terry pratchett, the middleman, picspams, hawaii five-o, i'm a marvel girl, parks & recs, scifi originals/b movies, sanctuary, x-men: beautiful freaks, the muppets, neil gaiman, mirnda, once upon a time, photoshoppin' mad skillz, books 2011, comic book movies, batman: he is the night, lizz: fellow flaily hodgins fangirl, cadfael: medieval csi, haven: the only thing i feel is you, year in review (2011), movies 2011, elementary dear watson/russell
zombres Oct 23, 2011 10:49
tesla! oooh tesla!, sanctuary
zombres Oct 23, 2011 10:39
tesla! oooh tesla!, sanctuary, fangirly flailing