I'm starting off my "100 Things" list -- POP CULTURE YOU SHOULD KNOW -- with the recent Whedon/Goddard outing The Cabin in the Woods. Partly because I wanted a good excuse to write up a huge-ass review, but mostly because I FUCKING LOVE THIS MOVIE.
Those of you who have been around for a while are already familiar with my penchant for blood-soaked entertainment. And yes, yes, I know that horror isn't everyone's cuppa. But I also believe in a well-rounded pop culture education, and think that even if you're not a huge fan of the macabre, every once in a while you should give such a flick a chance.
If you're going to give ANY horror movie a chance this year, pick The Cabin in the Woods. It's a horror film that's also: incredibly well-written, fucking hilarious, makes you think, is full of fleshed-out characters and great performances, and IS SO META YOU MAY JUST DIE FROM DELIGHT. Seriously. This is the thinking man's horror flick, the best kind of mindfuck you can have in a theatre. And there's so much going on in this, especially at the end, that it begs repeat viewings. Those of you who mock horror, who deride it as stupid entertainment or look down your noses at it -- WATCH THIS MOVIE. It addresses all of the issues people have with the genre in a fabulously clever and entertaining fashion. While still paying homage and being genuinely loving to the fans.
Consider this your Horror: 101 class, folks.