Apr 08, 2002 19:01
There is a sociological term called Master Status. All of us have labels: male, female, old, young, writer, artist, good cook, lousy dancer, sister, brother. And so on. All of us have many caps we wear every day of our lives from the time we are born. We can't help but be a daughter or a girl; we didn't choose it. Then there are other statuses that we earn, whether we want to or not. Professional, bum, victim. The master status is the label that most people associate with you. If I said Steven Spielberg, most people would say "Director". They wouldn't say husband or father or ice cream aficionado.
My master status seems to be that of Responsible Friend.
Who do you ask to the bar to be the designated driver? Chris. She's a responsible friend. She won't mind. In fact, she'll be glad that you'll get home safe.
Who do you ask to pick you up when you have a flat tire? Chris. She's a responsible friend. She won't mind. Even if it's the middle of the night.
Who do you ask to bail you out of jail? Chris. She's a responsible friend. She won't mind. She's happy you're free again.
Who do you ask to be a chaperone? To hold your wallet? To make sure you don't spend too much in Vegas? To lend you money? To watch that you don't drink too much? To make sure you don't go home with some skanky guy or girl? Who do you always call in your time of need and count on to always be there? Who do you always know you can receive encouragement and honesty from? Who do you trust never to backstab or steal from you?
Chris, yeah, well, she's a bit of a stick in the mud, maybe, but she's a responsible friend.
And maybe she can take things a bit too seriously, but after all she's a responsible friend.
If you ask her why she's a responsible friend, she'll probably look at you strange and say, "Well, someone has to be." You accept that because it's easier to have someone else as your safety net than to curtail your own activities. You don't worry that maybe she wants the same in return sometime; after all, she's responsible.
You try not to resent her when she does need something from you. She was the one that saved your hide so many times. But why does she have to be so needy? She's responsible enough to handle it herself. In fact, you won't help her out. It's better she handle it on her own. Yeah, this is your way of really helping her, showing her she can do it without assistance. It's a life lesson. Yeah.
Why hasn't she called lately?
Oh, well, doesn't matter. She was a stick in the mud anyhow who took things too seriously. You don't need her around dragging down the fun with her conscientiousness. And sometimes she seems like she's ignoring you or about to lose her temper. What's up with that? She should be glad you invited her out at all. What a loser.
You'll just talk to her the next time something comes up you need help with. She'll probably be grateful to hear from you and won't hesitate to lend a hand, or money, or a lift.
You can always count on a Responsible Friend.
Can't you?