Jan 02, 2008 09:59
So, tis now 2008. Scary. I have not yet decided on any resolutions, although I did keep last year’s, which were to embrace randomness and meet new people, both of which I did, yay! Perhaps this year I will resolve to get back into making jewellery and become a better skater, although both require a large amount of time, so I may have to choose one. Think it may have to be the jewellery, seeing as I didn’t make the LRG team for the January bout, due to being a bit rubbish at roller derby, so suspect the skating may be a lost cause. At least I am good at making shiny things :)
Went home for Christmas, which was nice, but also kind of stressful. My flight out was cancelled due to fog, after spending six hours stood in various queues, but the airline kindly provided us all with rooms at the Gatwick Hilton so I didn’t have to go all the way home again. Posh hotel rooms are no fun when you’re on your own though :) Also, my little brother, despite being 28, insists on still acting as if we were 5 years old and hurls abuse at me constantly. Which, of course, I just ignore, as I refuse to argue with him, but my refusal to engage only seems to make him more angry. Is it wrong to not be able to stand the sight of one’s only sibling? Well, at least he didn’t give me a black eye this year, so I suppose things could have been worse :) I spent a fair amount of time not feeling well and hiding in my room with a portable dvd player and season 1 of The Wire, which is really rather good.
Have had roller people from Milwaukee staying with me since I got back from Jersey, which has been fun, if slightly exhausting. The boy has kindly been helping me to entertain them, which has dragged him far from his usual comfort zone of hiding in a corner. Although, to be fair, my comfort zone is much the same thing. I hope they haven’t been too bored, as the place they stayed in over Christmas in Paris was, by all accounts, pretty much party central. Anyway, they are off back to the US tomorrow morning. Yuri gets back tomorrow as well, hurrah!
Must do some work now. Boo hoo.