[ - elastic teeth yay - ]

Jul 19, 2004 15:34

j'ai perdu un tout petit petit petit bout d'incisive du bas.
un peu comme quand on a un ongle qui se dédouble mais avec une dent.
et j'ai 20 ans...ça va être top délire à 40 ;)


i lost a tiny bit of one of my front teeth today or maybe yesterday.
i should go see the dentist
i don't have enough money
i'm not sure my father would give me some and i don't even know if he's in paris
i told my mother, she asked me to show her she said at least the tooth seems healthy
but i must have become quite weak because of my two anemias.
she's great, she bought strawberries and i suspect she bought them so i wouldn't skip eating because i'm a bit sad.
i mean it doesn't matter anyway, i didn't want to trust anyone when they told me you could see people's past by looking at them. i thought it was only true for people who had had a whole life of trouble.
actually everyone leaves marks on you and everything you go through as well.
it doesn't matter anyway my teeth are ugly enough after those two-three years for me not to show them when i smile.
so let's pretend i'm a shark and they only self destruct to grow back stronger ;)


puis à la limite vaut mieux que je les collectionne aujourd'hui comme ça demain ça sera pépére.

j'écris trop...pour me plaindre de conneries sans importance
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