My favorite words are good-bye, and my favorite color is red

Nov 06, 2011 01:41

Right now my life is something like a sloppy school side special on motion vs. progress, but with more daydreaming about vampires.

There was a brief, terrible moment of Vampire Chronicles (read: Lestat/Louis shippy) spam on my tumblr, and lots and lots of flailing to etirabys (how does she put up with me, honestly) and I think...I think I'm almost okay and purged now. Except Lestat's birthday is November 7th, and the part of me that never stopped being twelve years old is like, WRITE FIC, DO IT, NOW YOU'VE BEEN TO NEW ORLEANS, DO IT and I'm just like, man, inner child, shut the fuck up because your taste in books (and music and movies) totally sucks, and also fuck you.

I have not forgotten my pending meme fills! I have not forgotten my pending sign ups. I, is filled with dozens of petty things upon petty things to do, and then I feel too discombobulated to do anything useful or enjoyable (i.e., write bitching cover letters instead of bland ones, or write fic at all). Just lots of... necessary, not satisfying things to do.

You all are lovely, and I miss you and commenting all over your faces every night. Oh man! So introductory made me a text icon; it is grand, and so I broke down and bought a little bit of icon space (promptly filling it up with Gaspard as Hannibal Lecter) that I am almost done filling out.

Unrelated to anything: Brandon Lee, totally hot, or totally hot? And out of make up. The Crow on bluray was in the $9 bargain bin at Wal mart the other day. My ps3 isn't even hooked up right now. Whoops. Yes, these statements are related.

Also unrelated: Tom Wait's Blood Money is the best album ever, although Swordfishtrombones is my secret favorite and HOLY SHIT THE NEW ALBUM CAME OUT ON OCTOBER 24TH? CLEARLY THIS IS WHAT HAS BEEN MISSING IN MY LIFE OH MY FUCKING GOD, TOM WAITS. First album consisting completely of new material in seven years? ohmyfuckingfuckfuckfuckfuuuckme.

brb, torrenting/yuotubing/everything immediately.

what is this i can't even, i am overly excited about this, entries about nothing really, tom waits, music

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