one. ♠

Nov 19, 2008 23:35

[jerks awake, and instantly regrets it as the movement causes him to slam his head into the ceiling above his bed. swearing profusely, he opens his eyes and just... blinks]

Christ, did we really drink that much...?

[rubbing his head, he carefully slid off the bed, poking at the Sphere that followed him and then tugging at the orange jumpsuit]

Dean! This is one hell of a prank, and I'm not laughing.

[when there's no reply, he bites his lip. it was his favorite nervous habit. his Beretta was missing as it was under his pillow while he slept, which brought little comfort. he was in a strange place, alone. and he didn't like it one bit]

... Come on, Dean. Joke's over.

[anomaly] rufus shinra, [anomaly] uchiha sasuke, [original] the doctor, [original] rangiku matsumoto, first post, [original] dean winchester, [original] yako katsuragi, wtf?, prank time again?, sam is not amused

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