Sep 19, 2007 22:19
In first period we got this assignment thats gonna be hard for me to do we have ot do our family tree and i don't know anything about my dad ugg and trace it back 4 generations and find out where i came from and find a recipe of their type of food, cook it and bring it to class ;~;!! and in 3rd period yay im going on another field trip Nov. 8th ( im going somewhere in German class on Nov. 11th the orchestra )
We are going to see a play and eating at Spaghetti Warehouse. Well we get to do this because its an Honors class and her only honors class its American Drama, independent studies. D:
UG!!!! In lunch today i was walking with Syd-chan and JR. And these black dudes were like treating me like a horse cause of my bunny ears on my jacket ( i need to take a piccy right ;~; ) and was like using them as lil reins or something. Anyhoos i moved their hands of of my hood and kept walking and they were like EH! EH! EH YOU EH! and i don't respond to that lol and he got next to me and was like :B are you wearing stockings :B ?and i laugh and say "no those are my legs" cause im so damn pale ;~~~; im to white /cry lol people confuse my legs for stockings D: ( i was wearing a knee length flowy skirt ) my sister told me to tan -_- but i worked hard for this pure white skin D:<