Evening Awesome

Mar 28, 2008 20:02

I start every class, after entrance drill, by splitting the kids into teams, then asking them one by one what they want. "What do you want?" and "I want a _____." is one of the first things I teach them in any class -- otherwise how can they ask to use the toilet or get a pencil? I ask them this question so that they can have a team name.

I am a democratic tyrant, usually majority rules, unless it's something I can't draw or I just can't face drawing yet another dinosaur. Teacher can't draw people. They only have to ask for Superman or Spiderman once and get the crudely drawn stick figure to know never ask for that again.

Anyway, I've got these four girls in class all around age 10-12 and they're really keen to learn. They bring me new words they want to know the meaning of and how to pronounce. They always try to bring me a new word for their team name.

Honey: I want flairmindon.
Ms Sam: A what?
Honey: A fleamiddon.
Ms Sam: ...
Honey: f-l-a-r-i
Ms Sam: Wait, start again? (I have to write it on the board, because I'm not good at putting that shit together in my head.)


And I stand there looking at it as Honey looks frustrated. I erase the first three letters and write:



I put the original word back up. And I stood there looking at it, and looking at it, and then I had it.


I could not stop laughing.

And thus concludes your evening awesome.


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