The Very Idea ...

Dec 12, 2006 00:49

of fuzzy Christmas stockings makes me start sweating. I haven't worn socks in nearly a year! And wearing shoes... not if I can avoid 'em. And you've all said such wonderful things to me lately, that I would feel piggy asking for more.

But! I did make a wishlist at I couldn't figure out how to add stuff so that will get affiliate credit, so if anyone knows how to do so, I'd appreciate a heads up. The likelihood of anything reaching us before or near the holidays is beyond laughable, but if you are so inclined, and can afford it, gifts would be delightful and would spread the Christmas joy over several months with the way mail arrives here.

A couple of holiday elves, I have been informed, gave us the ability to pay one credit card bill. And that was so amazingly unexpected and generous, I don't even know what to say. I seem to always be thanking my friends list these days and giving very little in return. Someday, when we're not dancing on the knife edge of financial disaster, we will find as many ways as possible to be just as generous in return. On the subject of thanks...

Thank you all so much for your words of support over the last few days. I haven't finished replying to every comment (weekends are my long days), but I will get to all of you, I promise. I'm feeling a bit better, still a little low, but not as bad as last week. We have a plan for the housing situation -- the time adjustment of that really brought me lower, and the final contribution to the mini-breakdown on Thursday was the damned e-mail from people who are dead to me. You all mean so much to me, and reading your wonderful, supportive, and lovely comments has been the joy inside my tears for the past few days.

We're still looking for a new place to live, and might have a line on a very small* house; it's in an ideal location, quiet neighborhood, and Trash said the landlady seems very nice. I bet she'd come fix a toilet in LESS than five days, right? And when she fixed it, it wouldn't be MORE broken than before the fix, right?

Yeah, that's us livin' large in the shithole. Literally. Our water bill is going to be three to four times as much as it was last month because the damn thing won't stop leaking. We now have to turn off the water after we flush. Captain Useless has been true to form. Oh, he was Mr Johnny-on-the-Spot to pick up rent last month. When I said "Come after six," he arrived at 5.59 (after having shown up at 7am earlier in the day) -- oh, and he was collecting rent 16 days early. You damn well BET I wrote out a receipt and made him sign it. But, when I tell him our fucking toilet is broken, and yes, come after six that same evening, where is he? Down in his mother's cafe with his goddamned feet up on a table watching teevee. His uncle finally came to fix the goddamned toilet after I had a HISSY in front of the cafe FIVE DAYS LATER. Of course he made excuses for Captain Useless, to which I replied, "He is not young. He's 30 years old. He is not a serious person." Which is a very strong insult in this culture.

Fucking momma's boys.

[mood swingset]
Loads of days off for the holidays coming up! Yay! No money to enjoy them and no pay for holiday days! Boo!
[/mood swingset]

Um, anyway, I digress from the non-topic of this entry.

I can see a sepia-toned moon from where I am sitting. It's waning now, almost a half moon, and obscured by a gauzy layer of clouds.

I've filled out a bunch of Christmas card polls, and our address is really easy, just my first and last name, c/o Poste Restante. Or you can go to the contact info post for the whole deal.

You know what's awesome? Christmas decorations and supplies don't start appearing here until 1 December.

*SMALL: two rooms.

the family you keep, holidays, in the city

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