Jun 03, 2006 21:54
Gotta do grades. Gotta figure out how to average.
So, someone please 'splain to me, as if I were a child of five*, how one does an average of a series of numbers, 'cause I have no clue and I feel WAY too stupid to ask my boss. During math class I was either sneak reading or staring baffled at a page full of numbers. Anything beyond simple long division and multiplication is ... pfffffft.
Students will be asked 10 questions, each question is given a score from 1-10. 9.5, 7.25 etc are possible. Example (not actual student grades):
1. 9.5
2. 10
3. 8.25
4. 9.75
5. 8
6. 7
7. 10
8. 9.5
9. 10
10. 5
How would I average these ten numbers then for a final score on this portion of their exam?
Yes, indeed, I do feel stupid for not knowing this shit. Please oh interwebthingynet, save me from my own ignorance.
*I don't need anyone to fetch me a child of five, as I can find plenty of those every day at work.
in which i admit i am teh stoopid