Two weeks to go. Two weeks to go. Two weeks to go. Two weeks to go.
Y'know how there's always one in every class? We've got two. We've got ... Rebecca (not her real name), who is so un-self-aware that she doesn't realize her "cute" comments are really fucking condescending and irritating and that she comes off as a snotty bitch. And then there's
Rob Fleming -- the former journalism major who argues grammar against me at every turn. Quick, who are the three worst authors you can use as an example when you're trying to argue your position on a grammatical point?
Saul Bellow
James Joyce
Thomas Pynchon
(bonus wrongness: William Faulkner)
Just because Saul Bellow does it in WRITING A FUCKING NOVEL does NOT mean it's RIGHT. THAT'S novel writing, it frequently has only a nodding acquaintance with proper grammar. Great writers have usually got the grammar down cold, and hence can BREAK THE RULES to illustrate their point, Rob. e. e. cummings, I'm looking at you. And Rob, I wouldn't have argued so vociferously against your point if you hadn't been so obdurate and such a fucking condescending and arrogant PRICK about it toward our wonderful instructor.
Or how about chocolate, Rob. I wasn't saying that there's NO chocolate in Viet Nam. I was SAYING, Rob, that CHOCOLATE isn't as big a THING here in A HOT CLIMATE and that you don't find racks and racks and fucking RACKS of chocolate bars and candies when you step into a shop, which is why I, personally, wouldn't use it as a LOCALIZED EXAMPLE when teaching.
Rob and Rebecca hate me equally as much, which is fine. Yes, I do talk alot in class, as I am a) OLDER and b) HAVE MORE LIFE EXPERIENCE and c) am trying to GET SOMETHING out of this course. And if you fuckers aren't talking up or are talking up with blatant bullshit, I'm not willing to sit there and let the class DIE while y'all catch the fuck up.
Oh and kids not quite getting whatever concept you're trying to convey does NOT automatically make them lazy, Rebecca.