100 things - thing 4

Jul 07, 2012 23:16

{Take the 100 Things challenge!}

4. Sometimes while I'm writing and I see all the shit I put my characters through, I think - Jesus, I'm such a bitch. If I were them, I'd hate me. And then I always wonder if there's some.... authorial dimensional universe where all the shit we think up comes true and there are people who's lives are what I write and then I wonder what would happen if that dimension crossed into ours and they met me. I once had a dream where I was in a castle and all of my characters were there in the basement having coffee with one another and I said, "What are all you all doing here?" and one of them told me "It's either hang out where you left us or come here and have coffee with everyone else."

They had been complaining to one another about what I'd done to them. "Oh you think that's bad? She made me a murderer!!" "Well at least you're still alive! I'm dead!"

100 things, crazy is as crazy does

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