May 27, 2005 08:21
neeeewwww shoooeess
what more can i say?
it's 8:20 in the AM and i'm in scrubs and a pair of black, strappy Carlos Santana's. how much more white-trash can i get? well, i could be wearing scrubs and my new shit-kickers.
neeeewwww shoooeess
man, i think pain induces strange dreams. last night i dreamt about my slightly strange (yet very queer;) boss. he called me and then just sat on the other end of the phone. i was all, "F****? Hellooooo?" and i could tell he was still there, but he wouldn't answer, so i just did my talking and said goodbye. but the whole time the one-way convo was going on, there was a young lady scouring the floor with a hand towel. the floors were hardwood and there were small, yet chunky wood tables and benches like an old british tavern. then i had dreams about maff. which always screw with me wee brain. it involved me driving around a parking lot and maff getting depressed and then some kind of resulting emo crisis, and then we decided we'd go to the pub to get a drink and sort it all out. i don't know that we ever did. there was a mother and child in the parking lot and they were bemoaning something or someone. and then! then! i had this weird-ass dream. my bro was there but he was one of the dream-characters who can morph into someone else and it all makes perfect sense (at the time). anyway, he was standing in this hallway thing and there was the sense of a memory of our mum screaming and squealing and being generally hysterical over a mouse. so as bro approached me, i joked that i saw a mouse on his head. and then he was all "really? cuz i thought i saw one earlier." thing was, i distinctly remember *joking* about it, but then, it started coming true. i looked down in the hallway and there was this dead mouse next to a curtain. but there were a lot of mice. some of them dead, some of them dying, one sprinting around the room like his tail was on fire. and when i looked to my right, there were even more. it wasn't like the entire floor was covered, but seeing one dead mouse is enough. to see 20-odd is down right wrong. i was at once both sad and yet determined to rid our world of them (for those of you who recall, i had multiple pet rats). then i saw some rats. and i knew that whatever was killing the mice, would take longer to kill the rats and so i tried to kill them humanely. because all the mice died with a look of absolute terror on their wee little whiskered faces. but there was one rat that was big and very obviously limping. and when i went to it, it morphed into a cat-like creature, as they do. and right before i awoke, i realised it was a cat.
talk about random. or maybe not so random. anyone study dreams?
i'm wearing 3" Carlos'... mmm.
good times. good times.
i called work today, but i was too early, so i left a message. i don't wanna go! bah! the pain has subsided (thank God) but i still don't want to go to work.
when is my body going to realise that it doesn't want to be awake right now?