What have I been doing?

Mar 16, 2009 00:16

Hi! I've been hiding, it's true. Sorry.

Stuff I've done lately: worked out, didn't work out, forgot to eat lunch, ate too much but loved it, went the barley wine festival and then to the pillow fight, started playing in a poker game at work, got a (small) raise, made my manager cranky, made my client happy, kept my job, moved my cats to JPs for a month, packed up half my house to get ready for my floors to be replaced, went to a birthday party, went to a bachelorette party, went to a dinner party, planned for a wedding party, saw an amazing movie that was fun (Coraline), saw an amazing movie that was complicated (The Reader), had a girls night, hung out with my mom, picked material for a quilt, planned a trip to Paris, gave up shopping for lent, got a new passport, started doing sit-ups every morning, drank too much, thought about music, recovered from being sick, got sick again, was kissed by a boy and surprised, was kissed by a boy and angry, got new toys and used them (often), planned for Yuri's night, planned to go to the museum, got a haircut, planned to go to a fancy pants dinner...

More to follow.
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