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Oct 13, 2008 23:45

Standard 2.5 mile run, .5 mile walk and sit-ups and push-ups. last Wednesday as well - whoo-hoo! once a week! gottaado better than that... Weight has gone up and down - I blame the two weekends of out of town weddings with amazing food in a row. Regardless, wore a pair of pants I haven't been able to get into for 2 years today thanks to loosing an entire inch off my thighs in the past few months. Not progress you can really see real time, but progress nonetheless. Yay.

I've spent two weekends in a row out and about at weddings, and amazing ones at that! One a friends filled with love and joy and more friends, one with family and a lovely bride and happy group of people, even if I only knew 5% of the people in the room. And I met new family - I had *no idea* that my Grandfather had a brother who had four kids - Jennie, Mary, Jim and Patty (seriously, Mom never mentioned it - she said there wasn't much family). Weird.

I am having hugely nostalgic feelings for home... I haven't been in my own house for more than 12 hours at a stretch for nearly a month now, and I really want some relax tim - my time at home tends to be rush rush rush, doing laundry and vacuuming and making up for not having been home. Away from home, all the time not eaten up by my current client is eaten up by proposal work and recruiting. I have a list of jobs I need to apply to... real soon now. I have dear friends I haven't seen in forever who I may not see still, if it means I finally have a few hours to do what needs doing and actually apply for some of these.

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