
Aug 21, 2008 20:33

This summer has gone by faster to me than any previous summer, and has easily been one of the most productive ones of all time. I'm pretty excited about moving into my single dorm tomorrow and getting everything set up for this upcoming school year. To make it easier to summarize, I'm gonna have to move to list form:

-Rome continued to be amazing. In addition to Venice, Florence, and Pisa, I went to Naples, Sorrento, Positano, then to Amalfi by boat, and finally Pompeii. The last few weeks were spent running about Rome. There's simply too much to say about that trip, so once I upload my pictures I'll link them. Descriptions and all, like a virtual tour guide. Or something.
-Got back from Rome and continued to write. I'm very pleased with surpassing my goal for the summer. I don't think I've ever met, much less surpassed, a summer goal before. I had hoped to reach chapter 10 and instead made it to chapter 13 of my novel. Wrote about 70 pages, which is yay. I'm really hoping to be able to set aside one morning a week this year to continue writing. We'll see.
-Meghan, talon_serena, came to visit for two weeks! <3
-Went to New Orleans the day after she arrived with my family and stayed the weekend at the lake house of a friend of the family. Had fresh crab just caught from the canals for dinner and general original Cajun goodness for the duration of the stay. ^^ My sister brought her boyfriend, and he actually caught a stingray just by throwing a net into the canal repeatedly. It was completely unexpected and pretty hilarious. We let the poor bewildered thing go. Then he grabbed a gun and we all followed him to watch him shoot fish. Yes. Fun on the bayou.
-Wandered about New Orleans. Bourbon Street and the Mississipi and whatnot. It has the loveliest carefree attitude. Went to Cafe du Monde and enjoyed a historical carriage ride. I really wanted to go on the ghost/vampire tour, but we couldn't find anyone to do it right that moment. Ah well, I liked our tour guide. History tends to be interesting enough on its own without the supernatural.
-Meghan and I managed to get through season 3 of House, M.D. as well as seasons 2 and 3 of Battlestar Galactica. We also played a bit of Final Fantasy XII and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Good times.
-I got a new car during all of this! An "atomic blue" 2008 Honda Civic. The gas mileage on it is amazing, and I love how it drives. Says a lot since I don't even like driving. I have named it Viktor.
-Took the new car down to Houston to see Nine Inch Nails in concert. Wow, Trent Reznor was amazing. He really knows how to put on a show. I want to see him again someday. He played most of the Year Zero album, as well as some songs from Ghosts. "Discipline", "The Wretched", "The Frail", "Head Like a Hole", "Terrible Lie", "Reptile", "Closer", and "Mr. Self Destruct" were played, and I'm sure there were one or two others that were as well that I can't recall off the top of my head. I sang along to "God Given" like a good Christian opposing intolerance. Best concert ever. Meghan and I got matching "Lights in the Sky Over North America 2008 Tour" shirts.
-Then Meghan went home yesterday and I moped about.
-I spent today packing. I know I'll forget something. I do each year. First year was my hairbrush, last year was my socks. >> Since I have to leave home at 5 bloody AM, I might forget to bring myself. I'm actually dragging my TV and PS2 to college this year. I might actually beat FFXII! ...maybe. I'm also bringing my D&D crap so Meghan and I can start up the game we were preparing while she was down.
-Figured out when I'm meeting with my boss in the organic chemistry lab. We're going to figure out scheduling stuff. I'm as nervous as I am psyched about finally getting to do lab work.
-Classes I'm taking include integral calculus, cell biology, biochemisty I, and software programming/design in addition to the lab work. I'm taking my Italian books with me to college so I can continue to learn vocabulary and so on as time goes on. I like knowing languages. Once I get a decent grasp on Italian, I should pick up some Spanish books and refresh my mind in that area. It's amazing how much I remember from high school once I get into the swing of things.

So there you go. Just need to run by the bookstore once I get settled into my dorm, then study a bit so the material resettles and I'll be good for the year. I have a Trinity Blood fanart piece I have to finish up. Shouldn't take too long before it's posted on my DA account.

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