It's been two weeks...

Apr 20, 2006 10:49

So I'll start there. Though promise to keep it as short as possible. Mainly I've been a major homebody recently. Having no car does that to a person I guess.

The flexcar thing is on hold for the moment while we go over the requirements for me to get on their insurance. I made it through the application screening, but the insurance needs to be fanagled a bit.

Got the power cord for the laptop last thursday so we're online now.

All the costuming came together really really well for con. Friday was fun. I wandered around with lil Abi, who has already show she knows how to get a guy's attention. We danced at the dance and chillaxed at Party in a Box for most of the night. Abi was having fun watching all the costumes and lights and stuff. I needed to work off some neg vibes so I danced the Rasputain (kick step for at least three full mins) in three inch heels with >18 lb Abi strapped to my chest. It was good times had by all. That night there was an argument and drama but all was reparied by 2 am. Hehehe good endorphins.

Saturday, Abi was adorable as a baby parrot (you can read more about that at abifaemckenna). She was picked up by my mom in the afternoon and Bry and I went to chang into our evening costumes. My slave girl costume was kick ass, though I have yet to find a decent picture of me in it. I need to use leather next year rather than silk, it'll stay better I think. Go full out clad kajir and be happy with it. Or maybe do the slave girls camisk instead. Who knows, I may even try out a different series (I've wanted to do one of the many Ashalind Na Pendran costumes for a while so that may be next on my list. Who knows we'll have to see.) I got tossed SOO FAST! I had no idea that I had become such a lightweight. So sat night was a little short after I was sold in the slave auction, had two drinks and then threw up in the hotel's hallway. I'm all sick now because I got the crud (or maybe because I was wearing next to nothing Sat night...).

Easter was fun, Abi found her first Easter egg and was generally adored. I was happy that I wasn't too hung over. And for the last few days I have been lounging and healing and recovering with intermitten spates of house cleaning. Yay for bursts of random energy.

Hehe oh and today I was comandeered to join the Pirates of the Sacred Booty. I am the Parrot. Short skirt, yellow tights, blue vest. Yay for people putting things in my mouth!

Ok Baby needs her cerial now so I'll be off. Hope you all are having a pleasant week!

norwescon, potsb

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