Apr 30, 2011 12:06
This is an unusual thing for me because I typically don't like separating men and women and discussing how they think differently, but sometimes it just really seems true. And these are generalizations so they aren't going to apply to every person in the world.
But seriously, guys like crazy. They find it attractive. The same way women go for the “bad boy” you'll see men going for the “crazy chick.”
There's a scale, of course. There's always a scale. There's the classic sexy crazy. Milo Jovovich is an example for me. Beyond that is crazy-crazy which equates to “more trouble than she's worth.” I.e. Bjork, or Amanda Palmer. And after that is scary crazy, or “I'm not letting her anywhere near my junk, let alone my life.” Two words: Angelina Jolie. And the scale is different for different men. One guy's scary crazy is another's sexy crazy. I direct your attention back to Angelina Jolie. But that's how those things work, everybody has a different opinion.
Now, sure, guys also like the “bad girl.” They only want to have sex with the bad girl, not date her, but they do find her attractive. What this means is that guys can at least sort of understand why women like bad boys, but since women don't go for crazy they don't understand why men like it.
Things get more complicated when we get into non-hetero attraction. It seems gay men can also have a thing for the “bad boy.” And gay women, well, some of them end up with the “crazy chick.”
Nobody ever goes for the “crazy guy” though, that's just never a turn on. Yes, crazy guys can end up in relationships, but the crazy is NOT part of the attraction.
As people mature they hopefully start to get past this. Many people don't, of course. Then again, many people never mature past the age of four and realize that they need to take personal responsibility for their actions. Now, sure, I still find that crazy can be quite sexy, but I know that dating crazy is a bad idea that really only leads to unpleasant drama. After all, I've got enough crazy in my own head, thank you very much.